php Programming Glossary: param2
How does similar_text work? how many times any distinct char on param1 is found in param2 and thus result would be different if you swap the params around...
Retrieving Multiple Result sets with stored procedure in php/mysqli a stored proc like create procedure multiples param1 INT param2 INT BEGIN SELECT FROM table1 WHERE id param1 SELECT FROM table2.. FROM table1 WHERE id param1 SELECT FROM table2 WHERE id param2 END The PHP is something like this stmt mysqli_prepare db 'CALL.. 'CALL multiples ' mysqli_stmt_bind_param stmt 'ii' param1 param2 mysqli_stmt_execute stmt mysqli_stmt_bind_result stmt id Then..
Recursive mod_rewrite for search engine friendly urls a search engine friendly url param1 val1 param2 val2 ... to a regular query string index.php param1.. a regular query string index.php param1 val1 param2 val2 ... So far I've been unsuccessful in in my attempts though..
How to build a correct SOAP request with PHP ns1 sendObject param1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA param1 param2 123456789 param2 param3 BBBBBBBBBBBB param3 param4 2013 09 09T00.. param1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA param1 param2 123456789 param2 param3 BBBBBBBBBBBB param3 param4 2013 09 09T00 00 00 param4..
Include PHP inside javascript (.js) file called myFunc that takes two parameters param1 and param2 . Then I have a .js file containing a function called myJsFunc..
How can I get the uploaded file details from uploadify after completion move_uploaded_file tempFile targetFile echo param1.' __ '. param2 and then inside the onComplete event did an explode var paramsArray..
How does plugin system work (wordpress, mybb …)? callback functions output call_plugins hook_type param1 param2 This is often implemented behind the scenes as a simple loop.. loop foreach registered_plugins action as func func param1 param2 ... or call_user_func_ Now it depends on the hook action type..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? And another URL http controller function param2 How can I change the first URL to the second one when I click..
using jquery to post data in zend framework var param1 'first' or get value from some DOM element var param2 'second' or get value from some DOM element jQuery.ajax url.. url ' default index ajax' type 'POST' data param1 param1 param2 param2 dataType json success function result var return1 result.return1.. default index ajax' type 'POST' data param1 param1 param2 param2 dataType json success function result var return1 result.return1..