php Programming Glossary: parameterised
Sanitizing user's data in GET by PHP htmlspecialchars ... . For SQL you're better off using parameterised queries. For Postgres there's pg_query_params . Or indeed prepared..
How do I loop through a MySQL query via PDO in PHP? of php errors will help with your debugging and using parameterised statements instead of substituting dynamic values into the query..
Antidote for magic_quotes_gpc()? on content heading to the database if you're not using parameterised queries which you should definitely consider . These are two..
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] Either uses SQL escaping consistently from the start or parameterised queries. If SQL escaping is used it should be correct escaping..
Escaping MySQL wild cards you must perform this step even if you are using parameterised queries In this scheme _ and are special and must be escaped... there will be a different function of you can just use parameterised queries to avoid having to do it. The problem that leads to..
In PHP, how does PDO protect from SQL injections? How do prepared statements work? db. For starters are prepared statements the same thing as parameterised queries As an example I'm pasting below my code for the insertion..
Print hierachical data in a parent child form unordered list php? trips to the database than any other methods including parameterised queries which require at least 2 calls for a single query 1..
Php addslashes sql injection still valid? addslashes sql injection still valid I know parameterised queries is the holy grail. This is not the topic. There is an..
Why is using a mysql prepared statement more secure than using the common escape functions? it comes to database queries always try and use prepared parameterised queries. The mysqli and PDO libraries support this. This is..
Efficiently sanitize user entered text corporate and personal. These are my recommendations 1 Use parameterised queries Parameterised queries force the values passed to the..