php Programming Glossary: paper
LSA - Latent Semantic Analysis - How to code it in PHP? If you have SVD you are most of the way there. The papers above explain it better than I do. Assumptions your SVD function.. don't go crazy Then the reductionality.... the actual LSA paper suggests a good approximation for the basis is to keep enough..
How can one describe a rock-paper-scissors relationship between 3 items? can one describe a rock paper scissors relationship between 3 items Let's say I have the.. Hand hand2 which would return the winning hand in a rock paper scissors match. That would be very easy with a bunch of if s.. some sort of challenge or homework. It's not really rock paper scissors but you get the point . php oop share improve this..
PHP HTML to PDF conversion proportionally [closed] Remember that to get hi res output 300 600pdi on paper you need to use proper fonts or vector graphics. These render..
Is this a good hashing password function in PHP? If not, why not? quality of the computations. This could an entire research paper but in short it comes down to the fact that the computations..
PHP short unique ID generation using auto_increment? use a published and tried set of parameters here from this paper a 16807 c 0 m 2147483647 This gives you a range of 2 31. With..
Formulas to Calculate Geo Proximity was taken from the awesome Geo proximity Search with MySQL paper and uses the following functions ASIN SQRT POWER SIN PI COS..
Optimising a haversine formula SQL call in PHP read the excellent Geo Proximity Search with MySQL paper pay special attention to pages 8 14 and 19 . share improve..
Best Practice: User generated HTML cleaning aren't dangerous and remove escape all the rest. See the paper Automated Malicious Code Detection and Removal on the Web OWASP..
What is the paper “Oliver [1993]” describing a PHP algorithm to calculate text similarity? is the paper &ldquo Oliver 1993 &rdquo describing a PHP algorithm to calculate.. Oliver 1993 . Despite extensive searching I can't find the paper that Oliver 1993 is referring to nor any candidate for who Oliver..
Many hash iterations: append salt every time? on the topic HEKS Proposal SecurityFocus blog on hashing A paper on Oracle's Password Hashing Algorithms And a few more links..
Compiling an AST back to source code basically trivial print the text boxes. See this technical paper Pretty printing for software reengineering An additional point..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game the game once or twice so that attackers have to produce a paper trail of reasonable looking game play for each login they create...
Continuing overflowed text in a different div? that displays my rants in faux letter form. I want the paper size div size to be fixed and the text to continue on the second.. be fixed and the text to continue on the second piece of paper a second div displayed just below the first paper like this.... piece of paper a second div displayed just below the first paper like this.. I apologize being a new user I am not allowed to..
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in PHP pdf is by far the clearest most concise and informative paper I've read on the remaining steps you need to work out following.. heavy computation. finally as mentioned in the bellegarda paper above remember that you don't have to recompute the svd every..
Libpuzzle Indexing millions of pictures? pictures if they are millions of records The original paper has a simple yet efficient answer. Cut the vector in fixed length..