php Programming Glossary: params
Asynchronous PHP calls? GET request in PHP function post_without_wait url params foreach params as key val if is_array val val implode ' ' val.. in PHP function post_without_wait url params foreach params as key val if is_array val val implode ' ' val post_params key.'.. params as key val if is_array val val implode ' ' val post_params key.' '.urlencode val post_string implode ' ' post_params parts..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? have converted all mysql_ calls to pdo_query with bound params remove all redundant pdo_real_escape_string calls. In particular..
How to pass variable number of arguments to a PHP function You can pack your parameters into an array like this params array 10 'glop' 'test' And then call the function call_user_func_array.. And then call the function call_user_func_array 'test' params This code will the output int 3 array 0 int 10 1 string 'glop'..
Reading and Writing Configuration Files _POST host_name _POST location _POST ip etc. All these params gotten from the posted form. php file variables replace share..
How do I set ORDER BY params using prepared PDO statement? do I set ORDER BY params using prepared PDO statement I'm having problems using params.. using prepared PDO statement I'm having problems using params in the ORDER BY section of my SQL. It doesn't issue any warnings..
I have an array of integers, how do I use each one in a mysql query (in php)? you can do it along the lines of this ids array 2 4 6 8 params implode array_fill 0 count ids sql UPDATE MyTable SET LastUpdated.. ids sql UPDATE MyTable SET LastUpdated GETDATE WHERE id IN params stmt mysqli prepare sql call_user_func_array array stmt 'bindparams'.. mysqli prepare sql call_user_func_array array stmt 'bindparams' ids stmt execute stmt close echo Updated record IDs . implode..
ACL implementation private function myMethod ... public function __call name params It is just abstract code acl new Acl acl setController __CLASS__..
C2DM implementation PHP code msgType 'data.message' messageText TODO Add more params with just simple data instead ch curl_init curl_setopt ch..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking the cookie. Using session_destroy function destroySession params session_get_cookie_params setcookie session_name '' time 42000.. function destroySession params session_get_cookie_params setcookie session_name '' time 42000 params path params domain.. setcookie session_name '' time 42000 params path params domain params secure params httponly session_destroy..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? http feeds api videos NLqAF9hrVbY more params http watch v spDj54kf vY feature g vrec query..
How do I make an asynchronous GET request in PHP? 2008 06 how to post an.html function curl_post_async url params foreach params as key val if is_array val val implode ' ' val.. post an.html function curl_post_async url params foreach params as key val if is_array val val implode ' ' val post_params key.'.. params as key val if is_array val val implode ' ' val post_params key.' '.urlencode val post_string implode ' ' post_params parts..
How to access route, post, get etc. parameters in Zend Framework 2 question The easiest way to do that would be to use the Params plugin introduced in beta5. It has utility methods to make it.. parameters of one type just don't pass in anything and the Params plugin will return an array of values with their names as keys... array 'orderby' 'birthdate' 'filter' 'hasphone' Not using Params plugin If you check the source code for the Params plugin you..
PHP PDO Prepared statement query not updating record ' 'false ' .' '. exec.' br ' echo ' pre ' stmt debugDumpParams echo ' pre ' return stmt errorInfo Called from session update.. true id 20 exec true 1 stmt debugDumpParams output SQL 111 update users set `twitter_key` ' twitter_key'.. `twitter_secret` ' twitter_secret' where id ' id' LIMIT 1 Params 3 Key Name 12 twitter_key paramno 1 name 12 twitter_key is_param..
PDO Parameterized Query - Reuse named placeholders? bindValue Param and have the value be there for both Params php pdo share improve this question PDO prepare states..
Folder structure of a PHP MVC framework… am I doing this right? to my site.. Module Default Controller Videos Action View Params array '1' and if the request admin pages view 1 comes.. to my site.. Module Admin Controller Pages Action View Params array '1' Is this the right way to go about this Or am I over..
another twitter oAuth cURL access token request that fails http oauth request_token Params to pass to twitter and create signature params 'oauth_consumer_key'.. pre print_r params print pre Create Signature concatenatedParams '' foreach params as k v concatenatedParams . k v concatenatedParams.. concatenatedParams '' foreach params as k v concatenatedParams . k v concatenatedParams substr concatenatedParams 0 1 signatureBaseString..
Dynamically bind mysqli_stmt parameters and then bind result (PHP) the mysqli connection instance if query prepare sql Bind Params call_user_func_array array query 'bind_param' params query execute..