php Programming Glossary: parametrized
In PHP with PDO, how to check the final SQL parametrized query? PHP with PDO how to check the final SQL parametrized query In PHP when accessing MySQL database with PDO with parametrized.. query In PHP when accessing MySQL database with PDO with parametrized query how can you check the final query after having replaced.. gets really executed by the database php mysql pdo sql parametrized query share improve this question So I think I'll finally..
Simple encryption in PHP pattern in this. Ideally the encryption system would be parametrized so that each installation of my system would use a slightly.. seem to be very common amongst hosters. Is there a simple parametrized obfuscation encryption I can use here php encryption share..
The way PDO parametrized query works way PDO parametrized query works PLEASE READ THE QUESTION CAREFULLY. It is not usual..
Inserting images into a database See this howto . However you should really consider using parametrized queries instead of passing the query arguments inline. share..
PDO in Codeigniter - Protect vs SQL Injection still building SQL strings up in PHP land instead of using parametrized APIs into the database. While it may be free of known defects..
How do I handle single quotes inside a SQL query in PHP? either mysql_real_escape_string to escape the value or use parametrized queries with PDO for example . It's 2011 for crying out loud...
jqGrid setSelect function with parametrized query setSelect function with parametrized query I'm using jqGrid on edit add function I want to have..
What is the difference between mysql_real_escape_string and addslashes? query so what's the difference This question is not about parametrized queries PDO mysqli php share improve this question string..