php Programming Glossary: lie
Utility of HTTP header “Content-Type: application/force-download” for mobile? force download means I the web server am going to lie to you the browser about what this file is so that you will.. . It is a dirty hack that breaks horribly when the client doesn't do save to disk . Use the correct mime type for whatever.. attachment etc etc header if you want to encourage the client to download it instead of following the default behaviour...
Use DLL in PHP? DLL in PHP I'm not going to lie. I'm not all the familiar with Windows and COM objects. That's.. out of Apache In my journey around the internets i believe that i have 2 options compile the dll as an extension for..
MP3 and OGG tags in PHP Lyrics3 In stable they should be supported if the don't lie Tag formats ID3v1 v1.0 v1.1 ID3v2 v2.2 v2.3 v2.4 APE tags v1..
browscap ini directive not set what you need for your website first of all browsers can lie they can send whatever thay want as User Agent And even if a.. browscap.ini contains information on many browsers it relies on user updates to keep the database current. The format of..
Empty $_POST array in PHP 5.2.6 / IIS CGI to no avail. Any ideas where the problem might lie php iis share improve this question Well if it's any consolation..
php force download extension Thank you php share improve this question You can lie about the mimetype but besides that there isn't anything you..
Codeigniter isn't routing right that config 'uri_protocol' is set to AUTO the default I believe or REQUEST_URI . Following that the most likely cause is that.. If not you aren't getting a 500 error so the problem would lie with the .htaccess file and in that case you should confirm..
What's the best way to detect a browser with php? that that isn't a good way to do it since browsers can lie and send any user agent info that they want. So does anyone.. of a sure fire way to detect the type of browser that the client is using php browser user agent share improve this question..
How can I block direct access to my JavaScript files? the minified versions of the JavaScript files. Minify lies at min and my scripts are at scripts which is where my unminified JavaScript files lie. I'd rather not put them out of the document root but it's an..
What's the disadvantage of mt_rand? is 2 19937 1. Also all the values generated by an LCG will lie on lines or planes when plotted into a multidemensional space...
PHPUnit best practices to organize tests include all of your production code so the numbers don't lie to you Autoloading and bootstrapping your tests You don't need..