php Programming Glossary: lft
Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul> max row max result ul query SELECT from t_categories where lft 0 and rght max if rs C_DB fetchRecordset query p_right p_left.. p_diff while row C_DB fetchRow rs diff row rght row lft if diff p_diff result. li . row 'title' . li elseif row rght.. p_diff result. li . row 'title' . li elseif row rght row lft 1 row rght p_right result. ul result. li . row 'title' . li..
How to generate a tree view from this result set based on Tree Traversal Algorithm? NULL `name` varchar 100 collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL `lft` int 11 NOT NULL `rht` int 11 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `id` KEY.. NULL PRIMARY KEY `id` KEY `category_id` `category_id` KEY `lft` `lft` `rht` KEY `root_id` `root_id` Based on this question.. KEY `id` KEY `category_id` `category_id` KEY `lft` `lft` `rht` KEY `root_id` `root_id` Based on this question http
php / Mysql best tree structure example from the MySQL link above category_id name lft rgt 1 ELECTRONICS 1 20 2 TELEVISIONS 2 9 3 TUBE 3 4 4 LCD.. CD PLAYERS 15 16 10 2 WAY RADIOS 17 18 If you take the lft rgt fields and use them as line numbers for an XML document..
Getting nested set model into a <ul> but hiding “closed” subtrees which works well for me to display full tree. I also added lft rgt current which will be needed to solve my issue. php function.. MyRenderTree tree array array 'name' '' 'depth' '' 'lft' '' 'rgt' '' current false current_depth 0 counter 0 result.. . ' ul ' return result current may contain category_id lft rgt for active list item print MyRenderTree categories current..