

php Programming Glossary: lg

Simplest way to detect a mobile device


elaine fennec hiptop iemobile ip hone od iris kindle lge maemo midp mmp netfront opera m ob in i palm os phone p ixi.. jbro jemu jigs kddi keji kgt klon kpt kwc kyo c k le no xi lg g k l u 50 54 a w libw lynx m1 w m3ga m50 ma te ui xo mc 01..

Simple Smart Phone detection


ce iemobile i' user_agent preg_match ' mini 9.5 vx1000 lge m800 e860 u940 ux840 compal wireless mobi ahong lg380 lgku.. vx1000 lge m800 e860 u940 ux840 compal wireless mobi ahong lg380 lgku lgu900 lg210 lg47 lg920 lg840 lg370 sam r mg50 s55 g83.. lge m800 e860 u940 ux840 compal wireless mobi ahong lg380 lgku lgu900 lg210 lg47 lg920 lg840 lg370 sam r mg50 s55 g83 t66..

Php handling vs Apache RewriteRules and RegExp: which one is quicker?


RewriteRule d mail ver d_mail_ver.php QSA L RewriteRule i lg i lg.php QSA L RewriteRule i lg ver i lg_ver.php QSA L RewriteCond.. d mail ver d_mail_ver.php QSA L RewriteRule i lg i lg.php QSA L RewriteRule i lg ver i lg_ver.php QSA L RewriteCond.. QSA L RewriteRule i lg i lg.php QSA L RewriteRule i lg ver i lg_ver.php QSA L RewriteCond HTTP_HOST ^s . . NC RewriteRule..

Mobile regexp user agent


script for user agent for mobile. i have if preg_match ' lg iphone blackberry opera i' _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ... i found.. opera i' _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ... i found out the lg one needs to be the first part of the string eg lg 9000 ..... out the lg one needs to be the first part of the string eg lg 9000 ... lg1000 ... lg 2000 ... lge4300 ... basically i want..