php Programming Glossary: lf
Detect EOL type using PHP str default '' static eols array 0x000D000A UNICODE CR LF CR U 000D followed by LF U 000A 0x000A UNICODE LF Line Feed.. eols array 0x000D000A UNICODE CR LF CR U 000D followed by LF U 000A 0x000A UNICODE LF Line Feed U 000A 0x000B UNICODE VT.. CR LF CR U 000D followed by LF U 000A 0x000A UNICODE LF Line Feed U 000A 0x000B UNICODE VT Vertical Tab U 000B 0x000C..
iOS7 - receipts not validating at sandbox - error 21002 (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException) appStoreReceiptURL Tried 64 or 76 chars line and LF or CR line endings NSString receipt working base64EncodedStringWithOptions..
PHP Session Id changes between pages sent back to the browser could this page have a rogue CR LF Unicode byte order mark or similar that is causing output before..
PHP eval and capturing errors (as much as possible) This is what I have so far define 'CR' chr 13 define 'LF' chr 10 function test cond '' cond trim cond if cond '' return.. empty .' result false cond ' result '.str_replace array CR LF ' ' cond .' ' try success eval cond if success false return..
Which line break in php mail header, \r\n or \n? php email header share improve this question The CRLF r n should be used according to the php documentation . Also.. character CR r immediately followed by the line feed LF n . Since r n is native to Windows platforms and n to Unix you..
Detect if PCRE was built without the --enable-unicode-properties or --enable-utf8 configuration switches support No Unicode properties support Newline sequence is LF R matches all Unicode newlines Internal link size 2 POSIX malloc..
Escape string to use in mail() behind email injection is that attacker inject line feed LF in the email headers and so he adds as many headers as he wants... headers as key value headers key preg_replace ' CR LF 0x0A 0A 0x0D 0D n r S . i' null value Zend_Mail uses different..
Is this the correct way to send email with PHP? to 998 octets per line of the code range 1 127 with CR and LF only allowed to appear as part of the CRLF line ending http.. 127 with CR and LF only allowed to appear as part of the CRLF line ending http html rfc2045#section 2.7 . I..
phpinfo is reporting incorrect pcre version No just in time compiler support Newline sequence is LF R matches all Unicode newlines Internal link size 2 POSIX malloc.. 8 support Unicode properties support Newline character is LF Internal link size 2 POSIX malloc threshold 10 Default match.. 8 support Unicode properties support Newline character is LF Internal link size 2 POSIX malloc threshold 10 Default match..