php Programming Glossary: lastmod
304 Not Modified issue should be empty instead. The code that I am using is php lastmod filemtime f etag ' '.dechex lastmod .' ' if _SERVER 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'.. that I am using is php lastmod filemtime f etag ' '.dechex lastmod .' ' if _SERVER 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' last_mod _SERVER 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'..
Creating an XML sitemap with PHP sitemap 0.84 sitemap.xsd url loc http loc lastmod 2010 04 20 lastmod changefreq weekly changefreq priority 1.00.. url loc http loc lastmod 2010 04 20 lastmod changefreq weekly changefreq priority 1.00 priority url url.. priority url url loc http about.php loc lastmod 2010 04 20 lastmod changefreq never changefreq priority 0.5..