php Programming Glossary: lastly
How to make a real time “User is typing” notice to all in chat [closed] of updates as well that would initiate from the server. Lastly your User typing message should have some sort of delay on it..
How To Deploy Your PHP Applications Correctly? www_data write access intact for the above files as well. Lastly i don't want to copy the empty trunk directory and the .svn..
PHP/MySQL: How to create a comment section in your website [closed] your code properly with what is already in place. Lastly there are a number of resources and tutorials on the web for..
php String Concatenation, Performance array 'one' 'two' 'three' valueList implode ' ' values Lastly make sure you familiarize yourself with PHP's string type and..
PHP Upload - 500 Internal Server Error max_execution_time 6000 upload_max_filesize 64M UPDATE 5 Lastly just in case anybody can spot any potential issues Plesk is..
How to send a secured (blast) email to thousands users in php? I replace that with my current mail function Its free Lastly what are the things you need prepare to send thousands over..
How do I find the mime-type of a file with php? can determine the mime type of many different file types. Lastly you can check out the mime_content_type function but it has..
Push notifications (iPhone) give “111 Connection refused” you can use an absolute path as a sanity check. Lastly this shouldn't effect your ability to connect but your device..
How can I parse Apache's error log in PHP? and Apache aren't going to tell you where said log file is Lastly Apache log files can get quite large. However if none of these..
Cross Domain Single Selective Sign In if you find something good do come back and let us know. Lastly obligatory link to Matasano Chargen's screenplay on the subject..
What type of webservice works best with iOS? round trips vs. a single round trip you'll still be slow. Lastly depending on the size of the data you're sending the overhead..
variable variables counter key 'seat' . counter key _POST key Lastly PHP has an inbuilt function for extracting array keys into the..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords of your system then you cannot blame anyone but yourself. Lastly I am not a cryptographer. Whatever I've said is my opinion but..
facebook error 'Error validating verification code' base64. If you're using ASP.NET look up Convert.ToBase64. Lastly and this is more of a side note. There are a lot of programmers..
Cleaner URLs with .htaccess files? [closed] . .php 1 L R 301 RewriteRule . 1.php L IfModule Lastly here is the issue Instead of getting something..
Find extra space / new line after a closing ?> (php tag) over and above the single n character terminator. Lastly you can always use od c filename to print unambiguous representation..
How do you perform a preg_match where the pattern is an array, in php? would be close to as fast and easier to read and maintain. Lastly if performance is what you're looking for here I think the most..
ASP.Net MVC or Zend Framework. What is your opinion Cons Not as mainstream Might contain possible limitations Lastly I have enjoyed working with ASP.Net's concept of Master pages...
doctrine2 - How to improve flush efficiency? the identifiers for identity management of the objects. Lastly insert performance is rarely the bottleneck of an ORM. Normal..
PHP PDO and MySQLi [duplicate] in a script or is it choose one or the other And lastly which offers the best performance Update Thanks for the answers..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? strip_tags htmlentities for output context and only lastly the _escape_string as its application should directly preceed..
The 3 different equals while two equal signs is for a comparison condition and lastly three equal signs is for comparing values of declared variables...
what means by top of the page in php file ways as well which is beyond this questions scope. Then lastly about the include and require calls. To have these at the top..
PHP code is not being executed (i can see it on source code of page) not via local access file localhost www file.php And lastly check the PHP manual for further setup tips . share improve..
Preg Replace - replace second occurance of a match example appears in the text as well as the 6th time and lastly wants to make the 7th time example appears in the text underline..
Resize images with PHP NULL 100 image_contents ob_get_contents ob_end_clean lastly for the example we are writing the string to a file fh fopen..
Flowplayer Secure Streaming with Apache total the HTML with the player the .htaccess file and lastly the video.php file. My original problem was the streamname was..