php Programming Glossary: largely
php: sessions vs. database so whether you've loaded 1 or 10 items after that is largely irrelevant unless they're really large but that'll be a problem..
Why are floating point numbers printed so differently? it fosters continuing misconceptions about floating point largely by concealing the true values involved. It is however easy to..
How to make .php extension not appear on website? are lots of ways you could achieve this but they depend largely on your choice of web server. If for instance you were using..
How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval? In a note below I made the point that websites geared largely toward the elderly mentally challenged or very young can become..
How do I send emails with Arabic content via PHP's mail function? respectively. quoted printable is better if the mail is largely ASCII as it retains readability in the encoded form and is more..
Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP times in the logic of a application Also as for operations largely only string manipulation and echo'ing. Here are few reference..
PHPExcel runs out of 256, 512 and also 1024MB of RAM PHP memory limitations. The physical size of the file is largely irrelevant... it's much more important to know how many cells..
How to encode URL using php like browsers do improve this question So the other answers here have largely ignored your post it seems. Let's hope I have not done the same...
What does the dot-slash do to PHP include calls? improve this question . is the current directory. It is largely the same as just file.php but in many cases this one included..
Difference between Javascript and PHP [closed] difference between English and German. They can express largely the same things but do so in different ways and you'll have..
Can a PHP file name (or a dir in its full path) have UTF-8 characters?
PHP function that creates a nested ul li? function cleans up appropriately closing the li ol it's largely automatic. php I know which function I'd rather write.... tree..