php Programming Glossary: larger
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability server and its maintenance What if you have to scale larger How much will it cost to spend 10 days more optimizing every..
Efficient JPEG Image Resizing in PHP tends to increase the memory usage by a very large margin larger images can spike the memory usage for the script past 80 MB..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? the transition to PDO isn't overly arduous. Rewriting a larger code base at once however takes time. Raison d'être for this..
PHP PDO vs normal mysql_connect always. No matter what DB driver you are using. So for larger or portable project PDO is preferable. Even zend framework use..
Mechanisms for tracking DB schema changes [closed] changes. Is this the best way to do this even on a larger scale across multiple projects and sometimes multiple environments..
Crop image in PHP below crops the image well which is what i want but for larger images it wotn work as well. Is there any way of 'zooming out..
Can I call a Model from a View? Logout s a ' MyAuth getUsername return link If you got larger portions of your GUI to be modified by a User's role you might..
PHP change the maximum upload file size You cannot change these values at run time uploads of file larger than the value specified in php.ini will have failed by the..
PHP Sort a multidimensional array by element containing date dates are equal a positive number if the first one a is larger or a negative value if the second argument b is larger. usort.. is larger or a negative value if the second argument b is larger. usort uses this information to sort the array. share improve..
Detecting file upload size on the client side? work. The file is always uploaded even if it is way larger than the specified hidden field. Incidentally if the file is.. the specified hidden field. Incidentally if the file is larger than MAX_FILE_SIZE then calling move_uploaded_file doesn't work..
How to get Client IP address in PHP? [duplicate] characters . IPv6 is here to stay and those addresses are larger than the older IPv4 addresses. Note that IPv6 usually uses 39..
MySQL Prepared statements with a variable size variable list have no proof that the first solution might be better for larger lists and the later would work for smaller lists. share improve..
Preserve key order (stable sort) when sorting with PHP's uasort which means it stays reasonably fast even when you use larger lists unlike bubblesort and insertion sort which are O n^2 ...
How should a model be structured in MVC? between a database table Domain Object and Mapper in larger projects it might be less common than you expected Information.. data and often accessed data separately from larger chunks of content which is rarely required. In that case you..
Calculating image size ratio for resizing keeping the original aspect ratio not stretching the image larger than the original targetWidth targetHeight min size max originalWidth..
Resize animated gif file without destroying animation if you don't have system access NOTE this may create a larger filesize though a smaller dimensions image due to coalescing..