php Programming Glossary: la
Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting '100000' ini_set 'max_execution_time' '100000' class crawler private url private page private bothurl private innerDom.. scan i 0 foreach this bothurl as url this url url this lang i 0 'fr' 'en' htmlstr string this curlGet url dom new DOMDocument.. 'div' foreach divs as div if div hasAttribute 'class' div getAttribute 'class' 'bloc specs' innerDom new DOMDocument..
PHP is_readable() fails on readable samba directory permissions to most permissible and still no luck. ls lad remote samba_share drwxrwxr x 13 me users 0 May 29 15 49 remote.. x 13 me users 0 May 29 15 49 remote samba_share ls la remote samba_share drwxr xr x 4 me users 0 May 8 14 19 remote.. remote samba_share cifs iocharset utf8 credentials blahblah samba_credentials uid me gid users file_mode 0777 dir_mode..
Finding free blocks of time in mysql and php? on hours I tried the query sql SELECT a.end_hour AS 'Available From' Min b.start_hour AS 'To' FROM SELECT 0 as date '08.. this query SELECT a.start_hour a.end_hour TIMEDIFF la.start_hour a.end_hour as `Free Time` FROM appointment as a LEFT.. SELECT FROM appointment LIMIT 1 18446744073709551615 AS la ON 1 LEFT JOIN SELECT FROM appointment AS ra ON
Count specific values in multidimensional array but I don't see any way to add a 'WHERE conditional' clause a la SQL . Any help would be really appreciated. php multidimensional.. I don't see any way to add a 'WHERE conditional' clause a la SQL . Any help would be really appreciated. php multidimensional..
PHP preg_split with two delimiters unless a delimiter is within quotes able to do this by adding quoted strings as a delimiter a la . The quoted part will be captured. It seems like this is a..
phpseclib or ssh2 pecl extension surmised that i needed to download the phpseclib. Being relatively new to php thus starting on php5 i was not aware of previous.. work for me. And even if it did it likely wouldn't get the latest version. So I had to compile libssh2 and the PECL extension.. what if one of them hasn't been updated to work with the latest version of another phpseclib in contrast doesn't require..
Accented characters stored in MySQL database characters become gibbirish. For instance qui r�fl�te la liste. Hence I use htmlentities or htmlspecialchars to convert.. How can I simultaneously get accented characters displayed correctly and my HTML parsed correctly Thank you php mysql..
How to get imap flags? to get imap flags I used the imap4flag plugin for Dovecot sieve http to get imap flags I used the imap4flag plugin for Dovecot sieve http LDA Sieve#Flagging_or_Highlighting_your_mail.. plugin for Dovecot sieve http LDA Sieve#Flagging_or_Highlighting_your_mail The flag is correctly show in..
Creating a secure login using sessions and cookies in PHP like you only isn't going to change on every page load a la AOL . Modern web browsers and 3rd party services like LastPass.. only good for those people who refuse to use what's available otherwise. In the end persistent non session cookies are..
PHP, MySQL and Time Zones of the timezones so please provide as much detailed explanation as possible even if you have to consider me a complete.. also adding the MySQL tag . I have found things from many places but it would be good to have it all together. Charles' answer.. together. Charles' answer is great but I still feel it's lacking somewhat. Here are some things I thought of How to store..
Regex for names with special characters (Unicode) .match function client side and want to use php's preg_replace only in negative server side. removing non matching characters.. share improve this question Try the following regular expression ^ p L p Mn p Pd ' x 2019 s p L p Mn p Pd ' x 2019.. p Pd ' x 2019 s p L p Mn p Pd ' x 2019 s In PHP this translates to if preg_match '~^ p L p Mn p Pd ' x 2019 s p L p Mn p..
Getting DOM elements by Class name DOM elements by Class name I'm using PHP DOM and I'm trying to get an element within.. to get an element within a DOM node that have a given class name. What's the best way to get that sub element php css.. What's the best way to get that sub element php css class dom share improve this question Update Xpath version of..
Sending and receiving data from Flash AS3 to PHP and receiving data from Flash AS3 to PHP I know this is frequently asked but I have looked.. Can you find the mistake Here is my code AS3 import import import Here is my code AS3 import import import import
How to write code for multilingual in php? [closed] Can you help me with it index.php php require decide lang.php html title Exercice title body php echo TXT_INDEX p br.. php echo TXT_CONSEIL_INDEX p p nbsp p p a href index.php lang en Not french a p body html decide lang.php php if _get.. a href index.php lang en Not french a p body html decide lang.php php if _get 'lang' 'fr' si la langue est 'fr' français..
How do you build a web based email client using PHP? on using PHP because you already have a server based on a LAMP stack for instance . To quote only a few names all PHP based.. want to have to write a custom hand made webmail using a LA M P stack you will need to know at least the following How to..
GeoLocation API America KP Asia KR Asia KW Asia KY North America KZ Asia LA Asia LB Asia LC North America LI Europe LK Asia LR Africa LS..
Adjusting time zone in PHP with DateTime / DateTimeZone '2009 09 18 05 00 00' los_angeles_time_zone printf LA Time s br date_time_los_angeles format DATE_ATOM time_offset.. printf Offset s br time_offset This is the output LA Time 2009 09 18T05 00 00 07 00 Offset 36000 I was expecting.. '2009 09 18 05 00 00' los_angeles_time_zone printf LA Time s br date_time_los_angeles format DATE_ATOM date_time_hawaii..
rewrite url with htaccess [closed] as USA and state.php country LA which i would like to appear as LA Pretty confused.. country LA which i would like to appear as LA Pretty confused how to do that any help I really need to sort..
List of All Locales and Their Short Codes? ka GE kk KZ kl GL km KH kn IN kok IN ko KR ky KG lb LU lo LA lt LT lv LV mi NZ mk MK ml IN mn MN mn Mong CN moh CA mr IN..
Get current date and time in PHP 'Australia Melbourne' Or another example is LA US date_default_timezone_set 'America Los_Angeles' You can also..
How do I get the first day of the week for the current locale? (PHP / L8N) AS AZ BW CA CN FO GE GL GU HK IE IL IN IS JM JP KG KR LA MH MN MO MP MT NZ PH PK SG SY TH TT TW UM US UZ VI ZW firstDay..