php Programming Glossary: latitudes
Finding Zip Codes in a Specific Radius The database is a list of zip codes and longitudes and latitudes of each zip code. The script uses a method that determines the..
Calculating Great-Circle Distance with SQLite is my problem I have a SQLite table with locations and latitudes longitudes. Basically I need to SELECT location HAVERSINE lat.. deg2rad lat2 apply the spherical law of cosines to our latitudes and longitudes and set the result appropriately 6378.1 is the..
Calculating distance between zip codes in PHP I grabbed a database of the zip codes and their langitudes latitudes etc from this This page . It has got the following fields ZIP..
Get Nearest Places Google Maps (MySQL Spatial Data) Spatial Data I have a database with a list of stores with latitudes and longitudes of each. So based on the current lat lng location..
Find Point in polygon PHP I have the polygon data in the form of an array of latitudes and longitudes ex x 37.628134 y 77.458334 x 37.629867 y 77.449021..
select within 20 kilometers based on latitude/longitude locations within 20 kilometers of grey river based on the latitudes and longitudes. i really have no idea how to do this. i've read..