php Programming Glossary: httprequest
Parallel HTTP requests in PHP using PECL HTTP classes [Answer: HttpRequestPool class] HTTP requests in PHP using PECL HTTP classes Answer HttpRequestPool class The HttpRequestPool class provides a solution. Many.. using PECL HTTP classes Answer HttpRequestPool class The HttpRequestPool class provides a solution. Many thanks to those who pointed.. A brief tutorial can be found at http HttpRequestPool construct Problem I'd like to make concurrent parallel simultaneous..
android/php record not inserting into mysql url accepts POST method JSONObject json jsonParser.makeHttpRequest url_insertTo_outtrans POST params obj.put params Log.d JSON.. improve this question This is because you are making the HttpRequest only with the last parameter. i.e After your for loop is finished.. last record. So Move the JSONObject json jsonParser.makeHttpRequest url_insertTo_outtrans POST params into the for loop. for int..
PHP HttpRequest HttpRequest I need to perform a HTTP GET from PHP. More specifically from..
PHP HTTP-Request php 5.2.13. When I try to initialize a HTTP Request r new HttpRequest 'http ' HttpRequest METH_GET it tells me Class 'HttpRequest'.. a HTTP Request r new HttpRequest 'http ' HttpRequest METH_GET it tells me Class 'HttpRequest' not found in ... ... ' HttpRequest METH_GET it tells me Class 'HttpRequest' not found in ... . What do I need to do to 'install ' it php..
PHP Difference between Curl and HttpRequest Difference between Curl and HttpRequest I have a need to do RAW POST PUT a var requests to a server..