php Programming Glossary: http_post_files
PHP __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object with my $_SESSION data HTTP_GET_VARS HTTP_POST_VARS HTTP_COOKIE_VARS HTTP_POST_FILES HTTP_ENV_VARS function StringsToSafeString array foreach array..
PHP Upload - Allow only jpg files only jpg files This is what I currently have file_name HTTP_POST_FILES 'uid' 'name' user 'FILENAME' ext pathinfo file_name PATHINFO_EXTENSION.. uploads images users . new_file_name if ufile none if copy HTTP_POST_FILES 'uid' 'tmp_name' path echo Successful BR echo File Name . new_file_name... BR echo File Name . new_file_name. BR echo File Size . HTTP_POST_FILES 'uid' 'size' . BR echo File Type . HTTP_POST_FILES 'uid' 'type'..