php Programming Glossary: htmlstring
What regex pattern do I need for this? ' bmeter b i' 'metre' doc new DOMDocument doc loadHtml htmlString process doc replaceRules htmlString doc saveHTML share improve..
Embed images for use in email message using PHP? sendEmail emailAddress random_hash md5 date 'r' time htmlString this getHTML random_hash message mixed random_hash n message.. Encoding 7bit' . n n text message message . strip_tags htmlString . n n message . ' alt ' . random_hash . n message . 'Content.. Transfer Encoding 7bit' . n n html message message . htmlString . n n message . ' alt ' . random_hash . ' ' . n graph image..
PHP: Strip a specific tag from HTML string? With native DOM dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML htmlString xPath new DOMXPath dom nodes xPath query ' @id anotherDiv '..
How to put php inside javascript? php inside javascript I've tried but its not working php htmlString 'testing' html body script type text javascript var htmlString.. 'testing' html body script type text javascript var htmlString php echo htmlString alert htmlString script body html Here is.. body script type text javascript var htmlString php echo htmlString alert htmlString script body html Here is the tutorial that..
DOM Error - ID 'someAnchor' already defined in Entity, line: of loading the DOM object public function getLoadAsDOMObj htmlString this _FileErrorStr '' reset error container xmlDoc new DOMDocument.. Warnings and errors are suppressed xmlDoc loadHTML htmlString restore_error_handler return xmlDoc @desc public so that it.. the DOM object public function loadDOMObjAndWriteOut htmlString this _FileErrorStr '' xmlDoc new DOMDocument set_error_handler..
Unable to parse xml data with colon (:) from response using getNamespaces() Exception ' html not found.' htmlLen htmlEnd htmlStart 7 htmlString substr xml htmlStart htmlLen htmlEscaped htmlspecialchars htmlString.. substr xml htmlStart htmlLen htmlEscaped htmlspecialchars htmlString ENT_QUOTES xml substr_replace xml htmlEscaped htmlStart htmlLen..
How can I remove attributes from an html tag? a regular expression php function stripArgumentFromTags htmlString regEx ' ^ s a z 0 9 a z 0 9 s a z 2 14 s s ^ ' ^ ' ' s ^ i'.. ' ^ ' ' s ^ i' match any start tag chunks preg_split regEx htmlString 1 PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE chunkCount count chunks strippedString..