php Programming Glossary: httpfoundation
Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove assotiation with existing entities? Controller Controller use Symfony Component HttpFoundation Request use Symfony Component HttpFoundation RedirectResponse.. Component HttpFoundation Request use Symfony Component HttpFoundation RedirectResponse use Symfony Component Security Core SecurityContext..
PHP $_POST array variables are truncated but the solution given would require me to rewrite the HttpFoundation Symfony component. Also I don't want to have to rewrite the..
Set locale in Symfony 2.1
Laravel 4 Ajax check to include XMLHttpRequest (from Magnific Popup) because Laravel 's Request class extends Symfony Component HttpFoundation Request.php and in this class there is the main method which..
Symfony2: help please with backward Uri (REFERRER) during switching locale Configuration Template use Symfony Component HttpFoundation Request class DefaultController extends Controller public function.. Configuration Template use Symfony Component HttpFoundation Request class LocaleController extends Controller public function.. HttpKernel MASTER_REQUEST return @var Symfony Component HttpFoundation Request request request event getRequest @var Symfony Component..
Symfony2 AJAX Login setResponse must be an instance of Symfony Component HttpFoundation Response null given I'd like for my onAuthenticationSuccess..
Symfony 2: Autogenerated navigation menus em em public function createMainMenu Symfony Component HttpFoundation Request request menu this factory createItem 'root' menu setChildrenAttribute..