php Programming Glossary: http
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 resource ch curl_init Set url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL http statuses user_timeline myscreenname.json count 10.. recent statuses with the least code possible I found this https docs api 1.1 get statuses user_timeline but.. requests Not with Twitter's v1.1 API. You need to visit http apps and click the Create Application button...
Can PHP PDO Statements accept the table name as parameter? share improve this question Please see the following http manual en book.pdo.php#69304 Table and Column names..
Best XML Parser for PHP [duplicate] of a PHP object. So you can query like root myElement . http manual simplexml.examples.php share improve this answer..
How do I catch a PHP Fatal Error Swift Mailer to write the error_mail function. See also http manual en reserved.variables.phperrormsg.php http http manual en reserved.variables.phperrormsg.php http manual en errorfunc.constants.php share improve this..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? be scaleable secure or complete it just needs to work php http comet share improve this question It's simpler than I initially.. framework html head title BargePoller title script src http ajax libs jquery 1.2.6 jquery.min.js type..
Alternative for PHP_excel but it's a lot easier to work with than XLS or XLSX. http elidickinson php export data share improve this..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? Exception bcrypt not supported in this installation. See http crypt this rounds rounds public function hash input..
PHP global in functions Dependency Injection. Decouple your code. More Resources http cgi wiki GlobalVariablesAreBad How is testing Registry..
How should a model be structured in MVC? @Dietpixel a really small example with only Model class http 1858985 Of course because the business logic of making..
How do I enable error reporting in PHP? [duplicate] 1 ini_set 'display_startup_errors' 1 error_reporting 1 See http manual en errorfunc.configuration.php#ini.display errors.. manual en errorfunc.configuration.php#ini.display errors http manual en errorfunc.configuration.php#ini.display startup.. en errorfunc.configuration.php#ini.display startup errors http manual en function.error reporting.php share improve..
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP? 2011 05 02. No rights reserved. See here for original code http viewvc php php src trunk ext date lib tm2unixtime.c.. ext date lib tm2unixtime.c revision 302890 view markup http viewvc php php src trunk ext date lib interval.c..
Headers already sent by PHP is injecting HTML. A redirect can be achieved by meta http equiv Location content http Or with a short delay.. can be achieved by meta http equiv Location content http Or with a short delay meta http equiv Refresh content.. content http Or with a short delay meta http equiv Refresh content 2 url .. target.html This will make your..
How to get useful error messages in PHP? program to do everything. Cartman's link is also very good http developerworks library os debug share improve..
Asynchronous PHP calls? parts 'port' 80 errno errstr 30 out POST . parts 'path' . HTTP 1.1 r n out. Host . parts 'host' . r n out. Content Type application..
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? already sent Happens when your script tries to send a HTTP header to the client but there already was output before which..
Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work? separate parts the server side and the client side . HTTP request browser web server Javascript PHP etc. .. side HTML CSS Javascript The two sides communicate via HTTP requests and responses. PHP is executed on the server and outputs.. ends and nothing will happen on the server until a new HTTP request comes in. The example code executes like this script..
UTF-8 all the way through be informed of the encoding in which data is sent through HTTP response headers or HTML metadata . In PHP you can use the default_charset..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? example msgsrv.php php if rand 1 3 1 Fake an error header HTTP 1.0 404 Not Found die Send a string after a random number of..
Using comet with PHP? threads. This MPM tries to fix the 'keep alive problem' in HTTP. After a client completes the first request the client can keep..
Headers already sent by PHP output before sending headers Functions that send modify HTTP headers must be invoked before any output is made . Otherwise.. output started at file line Some functions modifying the HTTP header are header header_remove session_start session_regenerate_id.. be sent before output it's necessary to look at a typical HTTP response. PHP scripts mainly generate HTML content but also..
Authentication in functional tests in Symfony 2.1 the problem lies in the file Symfony Component Security Http Firewall ContextListener in the method onKernelResponse . There..
How to use Zend Service Amazon? putting files for this example testing Zend Crypt Escaper Http I18n Loader AutoloaderFactory.php ... more files StandardAutoloader.php.. From the ZF2 library copy the directories Crypt Escaper Http I18n Json Stdlib Uri and Validator into the Zend directory inside..
how to use ajax in zend framework 2 or the AjaxContext? .. EventManager.php 468 7 0.1464 6127128 Zend Mvc View Http DefaultRenderingStrategy render .. EventManager.php 468 8 0.1464..
How to set a (UTF8) modifier for RegEx of a RegEx Route in Zend Framework 2? solves the problem. php namespace Application Mvc Router Http use Zend Mvc Router Http Regex use Zend Mvc Router Http RouteMatch.. namespace Application Mvc Router Http use Zend Mvc Router Http Regex use Zend Mvc Router Http RouteMatch use Zend Stdlib RequestInterface.. Http use Zend Mvc Router Http Regex use Zend Mvc Router Http RouteMatch use Zend Stdlib RequestInterface as Request class..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php by making HTTP POST or GET method public JSONObject makeHttpRequestResponse String method List NameValuePair Data_Request_Response.. for request method if method POST_Request_Response HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httpPost new.. POST_Request_Response HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost Dataurl httpPost.setEntity..
REST Authentication in PHP (CodeIgniter) stuck on making REST Authentication. I think that basic Http Authentication will be good enough for some time. Public API..
Historical security flaws of popular PHP CMS's? Wikipedia and OWASP have really good pages on the subject. Http response splitting Description Like e mail headers the http..
Difference between executing php from the commandline and from the Http Side between executing php from the commandline and from the Http Side What is the difference between executing php from command..
How to facilitate communication between php script on a server to a running Java application on another server? application to listen to data being sent by php Sockets or Http POST Essentially I have Java application running on another..
CodeIgniter PHP Apache 500 Internal Server Error modules mod_rewrite. Remove # and restart the Apache Http Server using the command apache k restart in windows or service..
how do you detect if your website visitor came from a google search result? note that this is not tamper proof or fail safe as the Http Referer header can easily been changed or modified by a client... the _SERVER 'HTTP_REFERER' variable to show you how the Http Referer will look like _SERVER 'HTTP_REFERER' http
Symfony2 AJAX Login @see Symfony Component Security Http Firewall AbstractAuthenticationListener @param Request request.. Request request TokenInterface token if request isXmlHttpRequest result array 'success' true response new Response json_encode.. request AuthenticationException exception if request isXmlHttpRequest result array 'success' false 'message' exception getMessage..
How to programmatically login/authenticate a user? Token UsernamePasswordToken Symfony Component Security Http Event InteractiveLoginEvent public function registerAction .....