php Programming Glossary: foo2
global variables in php not working as expected in all the rest of the code even an included one function foo2 global var echo var this print test var 'test2' global var this.. print nothing you are using a local var var 'test3' foo foo2 echo var this will print 'test2' Note that global vars are rarely..
Can I use string concatenation to define a class CONST in PHP? using class constants. class foobar const foo 'foo' const foo2 self foo const bar self foo.'bar' foo2 is defined without issue.. foo 'foo' const foo2 self foo const bar self foo.'bar' foo2 is defined without issue but declaring const bar will error.. each other in anything more than a trivial set case like foo2 php class const constants share improve this question The..
Get Instance ID of an Object in PHP '~. # d . ~s' ' 1' ob_get_clean foo new foo 1 foo2 new foo 2 The above works but I was hoping for a faster solution.. 000000005111e639000000003a87b42e var_dump spl_object_hash foo2 000000005111e639000000003a87b42e Casting to int like resources..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? 'foo1' page1 appendChild dom createElement 'product' 'foo2' How to set an ID attribute that requires a DTD or Schema when.. 1.0 pages page xml id p1 product foo1 product product foo2 product page page id p2 product bar1 product product bar2 product.. as product echo product nodeValue Will output foo1 and foo2 with whitespace The above works because a DOM compliant parser..
How to Remove Array Element and Then Re-Index Array? Is it possible foo array 'whatever' 0 'foo' 1 'bar' 2 foo2 array 'foo' 0 before 1 'bar' 1 before 2 php arrays index .. improve this question unset foo 0 remove item at index 0 foo2 array_values foo 'reindex' array share improve this answer..
PHP: Read Specific Line From File line from a text file using php. Here's the text file foo foo2 How would I get the content of the second line using php This..