php Programming Glossary: fm
Reading mp4 files with PHP that will do that. php path 'file.mp4' size filesize path fm @fopen path 'rb' if fm You can also redirect here header HTTP.. path 'file.mp4' size filesize path fm @fopen path 'rb' if fm You can also redirect here header HTTP 1.0 404 Not Found die.. binary n header 'Connection close' cur begin fseek fm begin 0 while feof fm cur end connection_status 0 print fread..
mp4 from PHP - Not playing in HTML5 Video tag 'oceans clip.mp4' if file_exists path size filesize path fm @fopen path 'rb' if fm You can also redirect here header HTTP.. file_exists path size filesize path fm @fopen path 'rb' if fm You can also redirect here header HTTP 1.0 404 Not Found die.. binary n header 'Connection close' cur begin fseek fm begin 0 while feof fm cur end connection_status 0 print fread..
How to prevent multiple form submission on multiple clicks in PHP