php Programming Glossary: fontfile
Get width of a single character from ttf-font in php? but should work string Lorem Ipsum size 20 angle 0 fontfile ARIAL.TTF strlen strlen string for i 0 i strlen i dimensions.. for i 0 i strlen i dimensions imagettfbbox size angle fontfile string i echo Width of . string i . is . dimensions 2 . br ..
Unable to wrap text in an image 30 sig wordwrap dir text_length br true fontsize 12 fontfile '. arial.ttf' img imagecreatetruecolor 500 500 there will be.. ' br ' n sig imagettftext img fontsize 0 0 fontsize 2 c fontfile text 2 height of space line imagepng img imagedestroy img Of..
create a dynamic PNG image using PHP Onions function imagettftext_cr im size angle x y color fontfile text retrieve boundingbox bbox imagettfbbox size angle fontfile.. text retrieve boundingbox bbox imagettfbbox size angle fontfile text calculate deviation dx bbox 2 bbox 0 2.0 bbox 2 bbox 4.. x dx py y dy return imagettftext im size angle px y color fontfile text image imagecreate 500 90 black imagecolorallocate image..