php Programming Glossary: focus
How foreach actually works internal get_iterator handler . This answer will mainly focus on arrays I'll just mention the others at the end. But before..
How Drupal works? [closed] That's also part of the reason so many Drupal resources focus on making modules. Without modules Drupal doesn't actually DO..
migration to Yii framework so messed up codebase. But unfortunately it brings in the focus the problems caused by lack of interfaces and the existing coupling...
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects metrics code style checking and so on are not my primary focus right now but on the long run they certainly will. Solutions..
Minimalistic PHP blogging engine with focus on code quality [closed] PHP blogging engine with focus on code quality closed I'm looking to set up a blog. There.. the best blogging engine questions on SO but none totally focused on code quality. I have done a lot of work with WordPress..
ORM/DAO/DataMapper/ActiveRecord/TableGateway differences? narrow it down. It's better to ask multiple questions and focus on particular aspects than expecting people to write an essay..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? my own. What I'm saying is sometimes in these projects the focus shifts from the essential 'need to haves' such as hard security..
Human Readable Date Using PHP the validation language for the others functions You can focus on the functions shortDateHuman longDateHuman shortTimeHuman..
Cached, PHP generated Thumbnails load slow: How to find problem/solution from Waterfall graphs? another bounty Question Part B 100 bountys awarded The new focus was now to solve the problem that the 6 jpg images had which..
Why need to use JSON in php and AJAX using ajax and database without JSON. By the way I haven't focus on XML yet because based from my research it's better to use.. ajax php mysql json this with what advantages I mean my focus is to send and get data and I already can do it with s1. Sorry..
How to write a REST API? way to get a REST API up and running I really just want to focus on writing the iPhone app and not spend too much time on this..
How to pass jQuery variables to PHP variable? closedialog 1 document .bind 'click' overlayclickclose focus function closedialog 0 close function document .unbind 'click'..
unit testing and Static methods like network failure or bad sample data. It allows you to focus on what really matters the functionality contained within findUser..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] a question asker who has bad code even though it isn't the focus of the question at all or is confronted with a failing query..
Get xpath location of element in iframe(iframe from my domain) to write result of getXpath function into fields in focus. First I load some URL them I trying to use getXpath location.. location function and write results into fields in focus but it doesn't work. Here is the code which I use to get content.. and after that use getXpath function to write result in focus fields php error_reporting E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE url _GET 'url' if..
When should I use MySQLi instead of MySQL? And there are other benefits. But mainly you should focus on security and stabiltity and MySQLi gives you just that. ..