php Programming Glossary: exemple
Flat PHP Array to Hierarchy Tree improve this question You should use recursion. Here an exemple of code datas array array 'id' 1 'parent' 0 'name' 'Page 1'..
How to import XML string in a php DOMDocument to import XML string in a php DOMDocument For exemple i create a DOMDocument like that php implementation new DOMImplementation..
Get attributes and values using SimpleXML don't understand how to use SimpleXML in PHP. Here is an exemple of my XML file xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 eventlog version..
Create a webpage with Multilanguage in PHP I would like to develop a multilanguage page in PHP for exemple english german japanese.. so when i click on german the page..
How to generate in PHP all combinations of items in multiple arrays The number of elements in each array is random too... For exemple I have the 3 arrays arrayA array 'A1' 'A2' 'A3' arrayB array..
Deep copy of PHP array of references that functions dereferences results when returning for exemple here array_by_myclone will still have a reference to original..
forcing access to __PHP_Incomplete_Class object properties an object of a class that hasn't been included yet. For exemple if you call session_start before include the class. A PHPIncompleteClass..