php Programming Glossary: exe
How to run abc.exe using php to run abc.exe using php I want php file to run exe file and display the exe.. to run abc.exe using php I want php file to run exe file and display the exe file content when user goes to a particular.. using php I want php file to run exe file and display the exe file content when user goes to a particular url. I am trying..
PHP Upload - 500 Internal Server Error to work. The error is being returned before the script is executed as I have tried writing exit at the top to try to get a.. handler mapping of the .php files to use the Plesk php cgi.exe instead of the usual one I do not get the 500 Internal Error... I cannot leave it on this PHP version as it is Plesk's own exe and there are other configuration issues. The reason why I think..
Is there a limit when using php mail function? while loop to send the data while r mysql_fetch_assoc exe ... if mail echo success br else echo failed br echo Sent all..
Matlab executable too slow executable too slow I converted my Matlab program into a Console.. in Matlab. The Matlab .m file takes around 2 seconds to execute but after I converted it into an executable and called the.. 2 seconds to execute but after I converted it into an executable and called the .exe it takes 45 secs to execute which..
PHP as a Desktop Programming Language curious is there a way I could run PHP files as kind of exe files. EDIT Fairly important point using Windows. php desktop.. php desktop share improve this question just use php.exe put it in your path and the name of the php file you want to..
Get Version of exe via PHP Version of exe via PHP Is getting the version of a exe possible with php I'd.. Version of exe via PHP Is getting the version of a exe possible with php I'd like to print the version of a file that.. the version of a file that can be downloaded... Windows exe and php is running on linux server php share improve this..
PHP compiler for windows to distribute to a client. I just want to give them an executable not instructions for installing php What is a good php.. to use a custom php.ini. this should be packaged in the exe as well not a separate file Additionally I don't want the code.. Now they want to buy it. It needs to be DEAD SIMPLE. one executable containing the php interpreter and my script plus an..
How to Read RS232 Serial Port in PHP like this QBasic Program CLOSE #3 SYSTEM Currently I'm calling it in its compiled exe form from PHP on WAMP5 but I'd like to get rid of the QBASIC.. ' '.strval rand 1000 2000 return buffer if setmode shell_exec 'mode com1 baud 2400 parity n data 8 stop 1 to on xon off odsr..
Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable a PHP script into a stand alone windows executable I want to automate a fairly simple task. For this I.. to install PHP on the system Is there a way to create a .exe version of the PHP script. I am really not much worried about.. tool to convert PHP applications to standalone Windows .exe applications. The exe files produced are totally standalone..
How can I compile C/C++ code in PHP on the Windows platform? options which I knew but none of them work system 'test.c' exec 'test.c' The file 'test.c' has been placed in my php www folder... folder. I need to first compile the code which makes test.exe and then using exec I need to run the exe file. Edit In this.. first compile the code which makes test.exe and then using exec I need to run the exe file. Edit In this code test.c I am reading..
PHP compiler for windows File menu. Then select the file to compile. To build an EXE containing all files in a directory and all sub directories.. files in the directory tree will be added to the project EXE. Once the EXE has been created you will be asked about the EXE.. directory tree will be added to the project EXE. Once the EXE has been created you will be asked about the EXE type CONSOLE..
Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable Bambalam http bamcompile Bambalam PHP EXE Compiler Embedder is a free command line tool to convert PHP.. JavaScript SQLite. This project is more than just a PHP to EXE compiler it embeds a web browser Internet Explorer or Chrome..