php Programming Glossary: execution
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? with EMULATE_PREPARES you will only get syntax errors at execution time because PDO doesn't have a query to give to MySQL until.. because PDO doesn't have a query to give to MySQL until execution time. Note that this affects the code you will write Especially.. statement object for multiple queries your overall execution may be slower. As a final recommendation I think with older..
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? examples require string cleanup to avoid malicious code execution. Is there any other or shorter way of doing so php string parsing..
How to call a JavaScript function from PHP? DOM generation and many other things including javascript execution. Once you grasp that concept you realize you don't call javascript..
Efficient JPEG Image Resizing in PHP Run both of them a few times. Compare results total execution time CPU and I O usage result image quality . Something which..
How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL? reasons the pipeline might be broken at any step of execution. Thus we need to ensure two things 1 repeated executions of.. of execution. Thus we need to ensure two things 1 repeated executions of the pipeline will not destroy our database and 2 repeated.. the pipeline will not destroy our database and 2 repeated executions will not die due to ˜duplicate primary key errors. Method 1..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] notified of all database errors occurred during query execution. Note that you have to be able to see PHP errors in general...
What is the canonical way to determine commandline vs. http execution of a PHP script? is the canonical way to determine commandline vs. http execution of a PHP script I have a PHP script that needs to determine..
PHP change the maximum upload file size value specified in php.ini will have failed by the time execution reaches your call to ini_set . See the Description of core php.ini..
When should I use require_once vs include? function generates a warning but the script will continue execution. The require generates a fatal error and the script will stop...
Threads in PHP to more than one user s it works excellent but it slow the execution time because of which user A wait too much for the acknowledged.. install timeout and send emails. The main idea to defer execution main script adds jobs in the queue cron script sends them in..
Why I have to call 'exit' after redirection through header('Location..') in PHP? to put also an exit after the header call to prevent execution of other php code. So my question is could the code after the..
Is there a static code analyzer [like Lint] for PHP files? [closed] lint mode from the command line to validate syntax without execution php l FILENAME Runtime analyzers which are more useful for some..
MySQL Insert into multiple tables? (Database normalization?) you choose you must decide what should happen should the execution be interrupted between queries for example your database server..
What's better at freeing memory with PHP: unset() or $var = null that truly needs them sooner resulting in a longer overall execution time. Note that until php5.3 if you have two objects in circular..
Headers already sent by PHP this case you need to eschew the error delay the statement execution or suppress the message with e.g. isset or @ when this doesn't..
Diagnosing Memory Leaks - Allowed memory size of # bytes exhausted
Is closing the mysql connection important? Note The link to the server will be closed as soon as the execution of the script ends unless it's closed earlier by explicitly..
Error logging, in a smooth way custom error handler. this_function_has_not_been_defined Execution does not reach this point. The following will be received by.. 'Error in the code cannot continue.' E_USER_ERROR Execution does not reach this point. Exceptions Each of the three choices..
What does PHPUnit Strict mode do? my tests started failing with PHP_Invoker_TimeoutException Execution aborted after 1 second php unit testing phpunit share improve..
How to capture and feed telnet using php and shell scripting? return_value stat 'exitcode' set exit code break echo Execution completed. n if return_value null var_dump return_value file_get_contents..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability code to opcodes kind of an equivalent of JAVA's bytecode Execution of those opcodes APC keeps those in memory so there is less..
PHP's error levels not be recovered from such as a memory allocation problem. Execution of the script is halted. Ref You cannot handle the following..
PHP Script in IFRAME Blocks Other Code script . count ob_flush flush Screenshot PHP Scripts Execution Order browser waits to finish the script in iframe javascript..
Why does crypt/blowfish generate the same hash with two different salts? additional info as the user could not reproduce my output. Execution of the following code var_dump PHP_VERSION PHP_OS CRYPT_SALT_LENGTH..
Accessing the DI container Injection is based on two parts of code Construction Execution In its most extreme shape there are no new operators to be found.. shape there are no new operators to be found in the Execution part. All of them are moved into the Construction part. In practice.. part. It creates the graph of objects needed for Execution bottom up. So let's assume it should construct A A depends on..
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? does mean in PHP what is in PHP function and variable ` Execution Operator What are the backticks `` called Short Open Tags What..
PHPUnit : Fatal error handling to make sure fatal errors don't break your phpunit output. Execution time Process isolation multiplies your test run time because..
How does PHP max_execution_time work? The rules on max_execution_time are relatively simple. Execution time starts to count when the file is interpreted. Time needed.. in the third case your script should run without errors. Execution time and memory usage have nothing to do with each other. A..
PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved CSRF XSS SQL Injection Privilege Escalation Remote Code Execution etc . Edit Here's a PHP class implementation of a strong encryption..
Increase PHP Script Execution Time PHP Script Execution Time I want to sent hundreds of emails using PHP and to increase..