php Programming Glossary: exclude
Merge a table and a change log into a view in PostgreSQL regclass add schema to avoid confusion AND a.attnum 0 exclude system cols neg. attnum AND a.attisdropped IS FALSE exclude.. system cols neg. attnum AND a.attisdropped IS FALSE exclude deleted columns AND c.unique_id 3 un comment to fetch just..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead errors by setting error_reporting in php.ini to exclude E_DEPRECATED error_reporting E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED What will.. errors by setting error_reporting in php.ini to exclude E_DEPRECATED error_reporting E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED What will..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? I do not need 100 watertight results . I just want to exclude as many as I can from my stats. In know that parsing the user.. though and link a dummy CSS page to our pages that is excluded by robots.txt. If our normal CSS is loaded but our dummy CSS..
PHP considers null is equal to zero null the value of this expression is also true. How can I exclude the second case I mean I want the expression to be true only..
PHP class instantiation. To use or not to use the parentheses? class instance were optional and that you could include or exclude them at your own personal whim. That these two statements were..
.htaccess deny access to specific files? more than one file share improve this question If you want to exclude files based on regular expressions you could use FilesMatch..
How to get code point number for a given character in a utf-8 string? i strlen str i thisValue ord str i if thisValue ord 'A' exclude 0 9 if thisValue ord '0' thisValue ord '9' number unicode chr..
How to replace text URLs and exclude URLs in HTML tags? to replace text URLs and exclude URLs in HTML tags I need you help here. I want to turn this..
PHP: “Notice: Undefined variable” and “Notice: Undefined index” E_STRICT . Disable E_NOTICE from reporting. A quick way to exclude just E_NOTICE is error_reporting error_reporting ~E_NOTICE ...
Grab all Wednesdays in a given month in PHP 2010 11 17 Wednesday 2010 11 24 Note that this will exclude the end date so if the last day of y m happens to be a Wednesday..
wp_insert_post with a form php wp_dropdown_categories 'orderby name hide_empty 0 exclude 1 hierarchical 1' textarea rows 5 name post_content cols 66..
Php to replace @username with link to twitter account but only do this if there's nothing before the @ symbol to exclude email addresses Also we'd need to stop the 'something' if there's..
Zend Validation Db_NoRecordExists and exclude option Validation Db_NoRecordExists and exclude option I'm trying to use the exclude option for a Db_NoRecordExists.. and exclude option I'm trying to use the exclude option for a Db_NoRecordExists validator cause when I'm editing.. false array 'table' 'pages' 'field' 'keyname' 'exclude' array 'field' 'id' 'value' this getValue 'id ... cut .....
phpunit throws Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_Exception whitelist directory suffix .php .. application directory exclude directory suffix .phtml .. application directory file .. application.. file .. application controllers ErrorController.php file exclude whitelist filter logging log type coverage html target . log..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? exactly 11 characters long. The previous version failed to exclude pre linked URLs if they had a query string following the VIDEO_ID...
PHP decoding and encoding json with unicode characters you had the same problem in Python which would seem to exclude PHP from being the issue. PHP will use the uXXXX escaping but..
Excluding/Disabling Validation in Eclipse one at a time and added rules to the Exclude Group set to exclude the specific folders. I have removed the folders from the PHP..