php Programming Glossary: db_connection
Display Data From MYSQL; SQL statement error ' sleeps_min ' AND availability ' availability ' db_connection while row mysql_fetch_assoc result r row php mysql sql database..
Count number of MySQL queries executed on page db_query db_string file line global db_cache db_count db_connection db_show_debug modSettings One more query.... db_count isset..
How can I use “Dependency Injection” in simple php functions, and should I bother? injection function get_database_connection static db_connection if db_connection return db_connection else create db_connection.. function get_database_connection static db_connection if db_connection return db_connection else create db_connection ... function.. static db_connection if db_connection return db_connection else create db_connection ... function get_data_from_database..
Call to a member function on a non-object to hold page attributes. class PageAtrributes private db_connection private page_title public function __construct db_connection.. private page_title public function __construct db_connection this db_connection db_connection this page_title '' public.. page_title public function __construct db_connection this db_connection db_connection this page_title '' public function get_page_title..
Call to a member function on a non-object to hold page attributes. class PageAtrributes private db_connection private page_title public function __construct db_connection.. private page_title public function __construct db_connection this db_connection db_connection this page_title '' public.. page_title public function __construct db_connection this db_connection db_connection this page_title '' public function get_page_title..
How generate UNIQUE random number in php [duplicate] must be unique. I use random_number mt_rand mysqli_query db_connection INSERT INTO my_table rand_num blabla VALUES ' random_number'.. require_once 'db_access.php' random_check mysqli_query db_connection SELECT rand_num FROM my_table mysqli_close db_connection result.. db_connection SELECT rand_num FROM my_table mysqli_close db_connection result 1 while row mysqli_fetch_array random_check if row 'rand_num'..