php Programming Glossary: dc
Simple XML - Dealing With Colons In Nodes recent.rdf' foreach feed item as item ns_dc item children 'http dc elements 1.1 ' echo ns_dc date..
PHP: Accessing namespaced XML with SimpleXML feed while i can access var title to title how do I access dcterms issued Feed excerpt http nN8G78AH item rdf.. OBO br br CALL 516 216 5768 FOR MORE INFO description dc date 2010 06 07T13 04 07 04 00 dc date dc language en us dc.. MORE INFO description dc date 2010 06 07T13 04 07 04 00 dc date dc language en us dc language dc rights Copyright #x26..
SimpleXML Reading node with a hyphenated name office 1.0 xmlns xlink http 1999 xlink xmlns dc http dc elements 1.1 xmlns meta urn oasis names tc.. xlink http 1999 xlink xmlns dc http dc elements 1.1 xmlns meta urn oasis names tc opendocument xmlns.. 2004 office office version 1.1 office meta dc creator Mark Baker dc creator dc date 2010 09 01T22 49 33Z dc..
Simplest way to detect a mobile device ac az br e v w bumb bw n u c55 capi ccwa cdm cell chtm cldc cmd co mp nd craw da it ll ng dbte dc s devi dica dmob do c.. ccwa cdm cell chtm cldc cmd co mp nd craw da it ll ng dbte dc s devi dica dmob do c p o ds 12 d el 49 ai em l2 ul er ic k0..
Is there an error in PHP's imap_fetch_overview()-function when reading headers with brackets?
PHP LDAP Get User Attributes, Including Associated Groups 1 givenname memberof Array count 4 0 CN EQCStaff CN Users DC EQC DC local 1 CN RDS Users OU Security Groups OU Service DC.. memberof Array count 4 0 CN EQCStaff CN Users DC EQC DC local 1 CN RDS Users OU Security Groups OU Service DC EQC DC.. EQC DC local 1 CN RDS Users OU Security Groups OU Service DC EQC DC local 2 CN SFTP Client Folders OU Security Groups OU..
Active Directory Lookup via PHP ldapconn LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS 0 dn CN Users also tried DC example DC co DC uk filter SAMAccountName username justthese.. LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS 0 dn CN Users also tried DC example DC co DC uk filter SAMAccountName username justthese array ou sn.. 0 dn CN Users also tried DC example DC co DC uk filter SAMAccountName username justthese array ou sn givenname..
How to read Windows loged in username with PHP/IIS I am runnig a network. Here I have a domain controller DC I just installed IIS6 PHP and Mysql on it. every thing is working..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation `address` `post_code` `list_order` VALUES 8 'Washington DC' 'asdkf' 'dsf' 0 1 Table structure for table `bb_ratings`.. and many field offices. So examples would be Washington DC or virginia field office. In total I think we will try and keep..
Change Password in Active Directory using LDAP/PHP/IIS/SSL two Windows 2008 R2 servers. One is a domain controller DC with Active Directory AD that I want to communicate with via.. What is isn't working I can successfully connect to the DC unsecured over port 389 and read write data to AD. What I can't.. Directory Certificate Services AD CS and configuring the DC to act as a Certificate Authority CA using information found..
Getting imagegrabscreen to work both have multi monitor set ups. The current code calls GetDC 0 which according to http en us library dd144871.. the device context for the entire screen but To get the DC for a specific display monitor use the EnumDisplayMonitors and.. display monitor use the EnumDisplayMonitors and CreateDC functions I am going to do a bit more testing of this and see..