

php Programming Glossary: db_handle

Warning when using mysql_fetch_assoc in PHP [duplicate]


root password database addressbook server db_handle mysql_connect server user_name password db_found mysql_select_db.. user_name password db_found mysql_select_db database db_handle if db_found SQL SELECT FROM tb_address_book result mysql_query.. 'Surname' . BR print db_field 'Address' . BR mysql_close db_handle else print Database NOT Found mysql_close db_handle php mysql..

PHP and PDO class question


db new PDO_DBConnect return PDO_DBConnect db dbh db_handle PDO_DBConnect getInstance class Person function __construct.. getInstance class Person function __construct STMT db_handle prepare SELECT title FROM posts WHERE id AND author LIMIT 20.. echo result title echo br How can I gain access to the db_handle variable inside of my Person class Do i have to instantiate..