

php Programming Glossary: db_pass

PDOException ?ścould not find driver??/a>


mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given


be a mysqli_select statement php db_host db_username db_pass db_name mysqli_connect db_host db_username db_pass db_name.. db_pass db_name mysqli_connect db_host db_username db_pass db_name or die could not connect to mysql php session_start.. have myConnection mysqli_connect db_host db_username db_pass db_name or die could not connect to mysql at the end of the..

Simple PHP SQL login troubleshooting


php session_start Your database info db_host '' db_user '' db_pass '' db_name '' if isset _POST 'Username' echo 'Fill in the username...'.. in your password...' exit con new mysqli db_host db_user db_pass db_name if con connect_error die 'Connect Error ' . con connect_errno..

PDO try-catch usage in functions


mydatabase private static db_user 'root' private static db_pass '0O0ooIl1' private function __construct private function __clone.. instance self instance new PDO self dsn self db_user self db_pass self instance setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION..

Assigning values printed by PHP CLI to shell variables


neededConstants array BASE_PATH db_host db_name db_user db_pass foreach neededConstants as each print constant each And in my..

Session Share Across Multiple Domains On Same Server


localhost MySQL Host m_user db_user MySQL User m_pass db_pass MySQL Pass m_db db_name MySQL Database table sess_data session_expire..

Scope error - Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object


try DBH new PDO mysql host db_host dbname db_name db_user db_pass DBH setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_WARNING catch.. this dbh new PDO mysql host db_host dbname db_name db_user db_pass this dbh setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_WARNING..

Fatal error: Class 'MySQLi' not found


the code on line 8 is mysqli new MySQLi db_server db_user db_pass db_name or die mysqli_error I saw online someone said to to..