php Programming Glossary: curlopt_timeout
php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker i CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 5 curl_setopt curl_array i CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 15 curl_multi_add_handle mh curl_array i running NULL do usleep..
Ping site and return result in PHP if url NULL return false ch curl_init url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 5 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 5 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER..
php - Fastest way to check presence of text in many domains (above 1000) i CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 5 curl_setopt curl_array i CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 15 curl_multi_add_handle mh curl_array i running NULL do usleep..
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login? already set above CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 30 Seconds CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 300 Seconds CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT 16384 16 Kb s CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME..
How do I make a request using HTTP basic authentication with PHP curl? CURLOPT_USERPWD username . . password curl_setopt process CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 30 curl_setopt process CURLOPT_POST 1 curl_setopt process CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS..
Setting Curl's Timeout in PHP curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_USERPWD 'admin ' curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 1000 response curl_exec ch curl_close ch However the curl request.. wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to wait indefinitely. CURLOPT_TIMEOUT The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL functions to execute... curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 0 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 400 timeout in seconds also don't forget to enlarge time execution..
How can I send SOAP XML via Curl and PHP? soap_do CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 10 curl_setopt soap_do CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 10 curl_setopt soap_do CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER true curl_setopt.. soap_do CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 10 curl_setopt soap_do CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 10 curl_setopt soap_do CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER true curl_setopt..
Login to remote site with PHP cURL rv Gecko 20070725 Firefox curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 60 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION 0 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER..
another twitter oAuth cURL access token request that fails curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 30 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 30 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER TRUE curl_setopt ch..
Send file via cURL from form POST in PHP strFileName curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_UPLOAD 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 86400 1 Day Timeout curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_INFILE fp curl_setopt..
PHP cURL, extract an XML response 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 15 retValue curl_exec ch curl_close ch return retValue sXML..
SOAP request in PHP with CURL ch CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH CURLAUTH_ANY curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 10 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POST true curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS..
PHP curl post to login to Wordpress rv Gecko 20070725 Firefox curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 60 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER..
PHP Curl - Cookies problem compatible MSIE 5.01 Windows NT 5.0 ' curl_setopt login CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 40 curl_setopt login CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 curl_setopt login..
PHP - Referer redirect script process CURLOPT_REFERER referer curl_setopt process CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 30 curl_setopt process CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 curl_setopt..
Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off? CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 120 curl_setopt curl_connection CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 120 curl_setopt curl_connection CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS post_string.. 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 120 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_TIMEOUT 120 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL 'https ServiceLogin..