php Programming Glossary: curlopt_header
Header only retrieval in php via curl curl CURLOPT_URL http url file.xml curl_setopt curl CURLOPT_HEADER true curl_setopt curl CURLOPT_FILETIME true curl_setopt curl..
How do I make a request using HTTP basic authentication with PHP curl? application xml' additionalHeaders curl_setopt process CURLOPT_HEADER 1 curl_setopt process CURLOPT_USERPWD username . . password..
Setting Curl's Timeout in PHP 1.0 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL requestUrl curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER false curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER headers curl_setopt..
PHP: Remote file size without downloading file curl_setopt curl CURLOPT_NOBODY true curl_setopt curl CURLOPT_HEADER true curl_setopt curl CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER true curl_setopt..
How can I tag a user in a photo using the Facebook Graph API? ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER false curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER true curl_setopt..
POST data to URL php curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER 0 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 response curl_exec..
Can't connect to HTTPS site using cURL. Returns 0 length content instead. What can I do? false curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL gatewayURI curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POST..
another twitter oAuth cURL access token request that fails ch CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER array 'Expect ' curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POST 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS..
Make curl follow redirects? ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER true curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION false curl_setopt..
Get Title and Meta Tags of External site file_get_contents_curl url ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER 0 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL..
cURL , get redirect url to a variable improve this question You would use curl_setopt CURL CURLOPT_HEADER TRUE And parse the headers for the location header share improve..
C2DM implementation PHP code source . service . urlencode service curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER true curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POST true curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS..
Logging In To Joomla 1.5 Using External Form (not within joomla folder, but on same server) ch CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE '. cookie.txt' curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER FALSE ret curl_exec ch if preg_match ' name a zA z0 9 32 ' ret.. CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE realpath '. cookie.txt' curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER TRUE ret curl_exec ch if preg_match ' name a zA z0 9 32 ' ret..
Saving image from PHP URL using PHP 'wb' curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_FILE fp curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER 0 curl_exec ch curl_close ch fclose fp share improve this..
how to get the cookies from a php curl into a variable 1 get headers too with this line curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER 1 result curl_exec ch get cookie preg_match ' ^Set Cookie s..
Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off? CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE COOKIEJAR curl_setopt curl_connection CURLOPT_HEADER true curl_setopt curl_connection CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 curl_setopt.. curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE COOKIEJAR curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER 0 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT..