php Programming Glossary: curl_error
Starting phantomjs server from php and waiting for it's response ch options defaults if result curl_exec ch trigger_error curl_error ch curl_close ch send_callback result shell_exec 'phantomjs..
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login? curl_exec ch if False HTML Something went wrong check curl_error and curl_errno . curl_close ch In the loop you have access..
PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox ch returned result is key value pair string error curl_error ch if curl_errno ch 0 CURL error exit ERROR Failed updating..
get the value of an url response with curl ch CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER data response curl_exec ch err curl_error ch curl_close ch if response false throw new Exception __CLASS__...
How can I send SOAP XML via Curl and PHP? Envelope ' if curl_exec soap_do false err 'Curl error ' . curl_error soap_do curl_close soap_do return err else curl_close soap_do..
Can't connect to HTTPS site using cURL. Returns 0 length content instead. What can I do? You should also try checking the error messages in curl_error . You might need to do this once after each curl_ function...
How to catch curl errors in PHP php curl share improve this question You can use the curl_error function to know if there was some error example if curl_errno.. was some error example if curl_errno c echo 'error ' . curl_error c See the description of curl error codes here share improve..
Send file via cURL from form POST in PHP filesize localFile curl_exec ch if curl_errno ch msg curl_error ch else msg 'File uploaded successfully.' curl_close ch Return..
PHP cURL, POST JSON CURLOPT_POST 1 resulta curl_exec ch if curl_errno ch print curl_error ch else curl_close ch return resulta Here is the function which..
PHP CURL & HTTPS ch options content curl_exec ch err curl_errno ch errmsg curl_error ch header curl_getinfo ch curl_close ch header 'errno' err header.. ch options content curl_exec ch err curl_errno ch errmsg curl_error ch header curl_getinfo ch curl_close ch header 'errno' err header..
How to use CURL via a proxy? 1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER 1 exec curl_exec ch echo curl_error ch print_r curl_getinfo ch echo exec is currently live on pelican..
upload a file to server without using a form? to file' if false res curl_exec ch die Upload failed . curl_error ch The string '@ path to file' has a special meaning because..
Download Remote File to Server with PHP
Error using PHP cURL with SSL certificates curl_exec handle if curl_errno handle echo 'Error ' . curl_error handle curl_close handle I would have thought the code was essentially..
How do I get the HTML code of a web page in PHP? ... other options you want... html curl_exec c if curl_error c die curl_error c Get the status code status curl_getinfo c.. options you want... html curl_exec c if curl_error c die curl_error c Get the status code status curl_getinfo c CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE..