php Programming Glossary: briefly
setting up a database for tracking which users have clicked which links? skills. While I have used MySQL in the past it was only briefly covered in a single course as I am mostly a front end guy HTML..
PHP PDO and MySQLi [duplicate] that I switch to PDO prepared statements or MYSQLi I briefly checked the manual but most of it went over my head. I've been..
Shopping cart and stock management do it better in one code run so that the reserve lasts as briefly as possible. ProcessOrder bool reserved ReserveShoppingCartContents..
How can i put my WAMP online for someone to access? put my WAMP online for someone to access I would like to briefly open up my computer and allow my business partener to see what..
What debugging tools does PHP have? [duplicate] the Zend debugger Xdebug or DBG . The PHP manual talks briefly about debugging and lists some tools. The comments there can..
What is the “?” symbol in URL used for in php? it php url share improve this question Good questions briefly stands for the start of querying string which contains the data..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? related topics but for now I don't. I will however briefly speak to your SQL question. Magento uses an EAV database architecture...
How should a model be structured in MVC? web development. Here's a bit older answer I wrote which briefly describes how they are different. What is NOT a model The model..
How to display current working copy version of an hg repository on a PHP page BitBucket both do a variation of what I'm looking for. I briefly tried parsing the output of exec 'hg summary' but I ran into..
How to display HTML to the browser incrementally over a long period of time? polling is a common technique to do something like this to briefly summarise it works as follows The client sends an XHR to the..