php Programming Glossary: break
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? bad. return this trigger operator ' op' lacks operand else break while substr expr index 1 ' ' step the index past whitespace.. internal error switch token case ' ' stack push op1 op2 break case ' ' stack push op1 op2 break case ' ' stack push op1 op2.. ' ' stack push op1 op2 break case ' ' stack push op1 op2 break case ' ' stack push op1 op2 break case ' ' if op2 0 return this..
How can I get the MAC and the IP address of a connected client in PHP? 'REMOTE_ADDR' macAddr false #run the external command break output into lines arp `arp a ipAddress` lines explode n arp..
Can PHP PDO Statements accept the table name as parameter? buildQuery get_var switch get_var case 1 tbl 'users' break sql SELECT FROM tbl By leaving no default case or using a default..
“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate] theType case text theValue theValue ' . theValue . ' NULL break case long case int theValue theValue intval theValue NULL break.. case long case int theValue theValue intval theValue NULL break case double theValue theValue doubleval theValue NULL break.. case double theValue theValue doubleval theValue NULL break case date theValue theValue ' . theValue . ' NULL break case..
using jquery $.ajax to call a PHP function action _POST 'action' switch action case 'test' test break case 'blah' blah break ...etc... I believe that's a simple incarnation.. switch action case 'test' test break case 'blah' blah break ...etc... I believe that's a simple incarnation of the Command..
What does the PHP error message “Notice: Use of undefined constant” mean? as a string 'department' etc . Obviously this can easily break if you do defined such a constant later though it's bad style..
The ultimate clean/secure function Running them all indiscriminately on a string will often break it escaping a piece of HTML code for a SQL query will break.. it escaping a piece of HTML code for a SQL query will break it for use in a web page and vice versa. Sanitation should be..
Why would one omit the close tag? in the wrong page does not have a security implication by breaking a session behavior or in some other ways I've encountered.. ago. If you have some file downloads in your app they can break too because of this. And you may not notice it even after years.. you may not notice it even after years since the specific breaking habit of a download depends on the server the browser the..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? . itoa64 c1 2 c1 c1 0x03 4 if i 16 output . itoa64 c1 break c2 ord input i c1 c2 4 output . itoa64 c1 c1 c2 0x0f 2 c2 ord..
How to “flatten” a multi-dimensional array to simple one in PHP? and so after doing str_split my original values could break. Is there something like combine array1 array2 for arrays inside..
How to Truncate a string in PHP to the word closest to a certain number of characters? lines such that the maximum width is the one you specified breaking at word boundaries. After splitting you simply take the first.. length strlen parts last_part if length your_desired_width break return implode array_slice parts 0 last_part Also here is the..
Converting words to numbers in PHP ... nineteen drop any and s as they are meaningless. Break hyphens into two tokens. That is sixty five should be processed..
Break a CSS file into an array with PHP a CSS file into an array with PHP I wanted to break a css file.. #selector a float left text decoration none CSS function BreakCSS css results array preg_match_all ' . s s . s ' css matches.. matches 1 i trim name trim value return results var_dump BreakCSS css Quick Explanation The regexp is simple and boring. It..
Can my PHP time difference function be improved? 604800 'days' 86400 'hours' 3600 'minutes' 60 'seconds' 1 Break into periods seconds float seconds foreach periods as period..
Form inside of $.load not posting correctly option value Song1 default value option option value Song2 Break on through option option value Song3 Time option option value..
Break HTTP file uploading from server side by PHP or Apache HTTP file uploading from server side by PHP or Apache When..
pcntl runs the same code several times, assistance required called execute_worker where you can push the task to it Break Task to groups tasks array_chunk range A Z 10 foreach tasks..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? Whitespace is your friend . Follow any coding style. Break up long lines temporarily. You can freely add newlines between..
Using XDebug to trace a PHP web service page the breakpoints fail to function. Even if I turn on the Break at first line debugger option I cannot get the execution to..
PHP Framework OOP model I'm way happier since I moved away from it. Take my advice Break your application down into as small classes as possibly makes..
Break up PHP Pagination links up PHP Pagination links I have the following method that creates..
Automatic face detection using Picasa API to extract individual images number encased in rect64 is a 64 bit hexadecimal number. Break that up into four 16 bit numbers. Divide each by the maximum.. number encased in rect64 is a 64 bit hexadecimal number. Break that up into four 16 bit numbers. Divide each by the maximum..
How to avoid SRP chaos? for files classes folders methods functions and variables. Break your classes into name spaces or at least into sub folders by..
RegExp in preg_match function returning browser error string length that results in error. for Infinite loop. Break out. str buildTestString msg parseAPIResults str printf Length..