php Programming Glossary: broke
Change fullcalendar event source after load type 'GET' cache true error function alert 'something broke with courses...' color 'purple' textColor 'white' className.. type 'GET' cache true error function alert 'something broke with requests...' textColor 'white' className 'requests' .. type 'GET' cache true error function alert 'something broke with loads...' color 'blue' textColor 'white' className 'loads'..
Creating a thumbnail from an uploaded image insert the image if mysql_query sql echo Fail. It broke. else c mysql_query sql2 echo script parent.alert 'Image Uploaded'..
PHP Encoding Error when producing XML from database [closed] As you can imagine you likely put something in there that broke your XML encoding. Also for the database interaction most of..
Form Validation — A Standard Solution? on KeyUp . So when user change lets say field currency and broke one of the rules above jQuery Validation will give pre build.. amount number Amount must be number Now everytime user broke rules above form will gives messages as state in code above...
Find all files with Blank or WS at BOF or EOF '^ ' dev null echo blank line at the t of f done done I broke the lines for readability but you can run it as a one liner..
Pass by reference problem with PHP 5.3.1 on line 105 After trying to fix this for some time I broke down and set allow_call_time_pass_reference to on. That got..
Warning: mysql_query(): 3 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource the mysql_xxx function calls walked over each other and broke the system. link1 mysql_connect 'localhost' 'user' 'pass' resource..
What are the disadvantages of using persistent connection in PDO unfortunate wonky states. This sob story has a point It broke things that we never expected to break all in the name of performance...
PDFlib for php, is there an alternative turned out to be a mixed blessing since the releases often broke the API but then again this was years ago so it could have changed.....
Somehow php broke doctype php broke doctype I created two threads here and here about that internet.. about that internet explorer works in quirks mode and that broke the layout. After a bit of investigation I found that somehow.. combine them then IE show quirks mode and the layout is broken. The html output from php file is the same as that below. DOCTYPE..
Loading multiple versions of the same class side by side in their application because either he or I broke backwards compatibility with the new release. If the class names.. Once again Apple goes in and updates his code. Nothing broke he just replaced my library in his lib folder with the latest..
How to properly handle session and access token with Facebook PHP SDK 3.0? days a change was introduced into the hosted JS SDK which broke all compatility between it and the current PHP SDK 2.x and 3.x..
MySQL: Display only 200 characters from total value the opposite side of the law.Since Brian and Mia Toretto broke Dom out of custody they've blown across many borders to elude.. the opposite side of the law.Since Brian and Mia Toretto broke Dom out of custody they've blown across many borders to elude..