php Programming Glossary: brief
Best way to handle dirty state in an ORM model to use Unit of Work pattern instead. You can find a brief explanation of it in this ansewer I'm kinda confused how what..
PHP, SimpleXML, decoding entities in CDATA
Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation SPL raw PHP version and Chequer2 FORP profiler output In brief the raw PHP version performs 10x faster than the SPL one consuming..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] the fix to your code. It is also a good idea to take a brief look to other questions to make yourself prepared for other..
Parallel HTTP requests in PHP using PECL HTTP classes [Answer: HttpRequestPool class] a solution. Many thanks to those who pointed this out. A brief tutorial can be found at http HttpRequestPool..
PNG optimisation tools PHP or Python preferably that I can tap into for this A brief Google has pointed me towards several command line style tools..
PHP - Blocking of uploaded adult images you imply shouldn't be too hard for someone else to take a brief look and click Approve on each. And it's way cheaper and more..
Sorting multidimensional array in PHP that consists of values from an mysql query. Here's a brief view of the array Array 0 Array 'id' 1 'countries' 'EN CH..
Can I detect animated gifs using php and gd? Kris php gd share improve this question There is a brief snippet of code in the php manual page of the imagecreatefromgif..
Interested in Collective Programming for the web — Ruby or Python or PHP? [closed] best would be best. I mean that half seriously. Given the brief description of your project there's no reason to believe any..
Doxygen: how to describe class member variables in php? Id on page. @var integer var id 1 Note that comment has a brief description and variable type. Here is xml i got from this source.. argsstring name id name initializer 1 initializer briefdescription briefdescription detaileddescription detaileddescription.. name id name initializer 1 initializer briefdescription briefdescription detaileddescription detaileddescription inbodydescription..
PHP Thumbnail Image Resizing with proportions Thumbnail Image Resizing with proportions As a brief run down I am currently making a dating type site. Users can..
What is a Front Controller and how is it implemented in PHP? it works or even what's all about. Can somebody explain in brief how it works and what's all about Thanks. php front controller..
Uploading in Codeigniter - The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed 0 return 2 modify line number 1058 from @exec 'file brief mime type ' . escapeshellarg file 'tmp_path' output return_code.. file 'tmp_path' output return_code to this @exec 'file brief mime type ' . escapeshellarg file 'tmp_name' output return_code..
RedBean ORM performance sure it applies to some Ruby ORMs too and maybe others. In brief you should avoid them but if you have to use an ORM then you..
Getting Data From Multi-level Array I'm not overly familiar with these functions I had a brief look at them and they seem reasonably easy to use. I've been.. and I think I get the basic idea of them from a brief look... but I think my main issue is understanding how to call..
Using X-Sendfile with Apache/PHP before and would mind giving a quick snippet of code and a brief description php apache x sendfile share improve this question..
Solving “MySQL server has gone away” errors in PHP that returns the html content from .edu domains. A brief introduction is given here Errors regarding Web Crawler in PHP..