php Programming Glossary: belong
Adding custom callback to Codeigniter Form Validation 'Email' 'rules' 'required max_length 255 valid_email belongstowork' array ... you would add more run routines here for.. config array parent __construct config function belongstowork email endsWith see http language english form_validation_lang.php Add lang 'belongstowork' Sorry the email must belong to work. share improve..
php: datetime() difference between 2 datetime with 2 variables are Date_in Time_in Date_out Time_out Date_in and Time_in belong together e.g. 2013 02 18 13 00 00 and date_out goes with Time_out...
Troubleshooting PHP Mail no errors in the error log Does the sender address From belong to a domain on your server If not make it so. Is your server..
Is it possible to have a PHP script authenticate users with their Linux user info? to do what they are trying to do in which case they would belong to the already existing managers group . If I can pull this..
Is there an implementable (non-theoretical) way to prove if email address belong to real email account? non theoretical way to prove if email address belong to real email account Is there a way to prove that a certain.. to prove that a certain email address is real therefore belongs to a really existing email account I get masses of registrations..
PHP mail stopped working no errors in the error log Does the sender address From belong to a domain on your server If not make it so. Is your server..
Saving images in database mysql reason to store them in the database the place they belong is the file system where you get benefits like easy backup and..
PHP to MySQL SSL Connections cert.pem ssl ca mysql ssl certs ca cert.pem These don't belong to the client side anyway only the CA certificate does but definitely..
Dirt-simple PHP templates… can this work without `eval`? Any suggestions for escaping stray dollar signs that don't belong to PHP variables without writing a full on parser Does the stray..
PHP variable scope between code blocks code blocks. It's not something that global. These blocks belong to the same PHP script. It's just a neat way to output HTML..
PHP: How do I remove nested tags, and relocate them in an un-nested way? closing tag again ignoring that the closing tag doesn't belong to the opening tag. The way I solved this way way back in the..
PHP $this variable dbh Is it a local variable for function select Does this belong class foo's data member Why is there no declaration for dbh..
Doing calculations in MySQL vs PHP I agree and quite obviously efficient WHERE clauses belong in the SQL level. However what about examples like Calculating.. users Concatenating a string thoughts folks Clear examples belonging in the SQL domain specific WHERE selections Nested SQL statements.. system. Aggregating joining and filtering logic obviously belongs on the data layer. It's faster not only because most DB engines..
cleanup php session files a command line. I do have ftp access but the session files belong to another user the one the webserver proces runs I guess From..
In cakephp how can I do a find with conditions on a related field? on a related field I've got a model Listings that has and belongs to a few different models I'd like to find all of this model.. related model Openhouses have a condition. The 'has and belongs to' are setup in the model files. Listings hasmany Openhouses.. model files. Listings hasmany Openhouses and Openhouses belong to Listings. And listings has many and blongs to a few other..
Symfony2 MVC: where does my code belong? MVC where does my code belong I'm seeking clarification on whether to put code in a controller..
Store all data changes with every details (like Stackoverflow) [closed] also have to keep track which changes in multiple tables belong to a single user transaction and also in which order. In a real.. you may also want to track which individual data changes belong to a single user action transaction and in which order. Benefits..
Why does PHP 5.2+ disallow abstract static class methods? be abstract in The function in question belongs to an abstract parent class Program and is declared abstract.. php 5.2 share improve this question static methods belong to the class that declared them. When extending the class you..