php Programming Glossary: beautiful
Beautiful way to remove GET-variables with PHP? just one of them This is a code that works but is not very beautiful I think current_url explode ' ' current_url echo current_url..
Removing array item by value
Get possible array combinations
Is it worth learning Python over Ruby and PHP for Web Development? [closed] quickly that even though I didn't know Ruby it was a beautiful language and Rails was a brilliant framework. I did a substantial..
PHP Objects vs Arrays constructor Either way I don't think I want to trade in my beautiful classes for dirty arrays P php arrays optimization object ..
Python's equivalent to PHP's strip_tags? third party library recommended because more bullet proof beautiful soup is a really good one and there is nothing to install just.. install just copy the lib dir and import. Full tuto with beautiful soup . Use a framework. Most Web Python devs never code from..
PHP DOMDocument - get html source of BODY well_formed dom saveHTML echo well_formed This does a beautiful job of parsing the fragment and adding the appropriate closing..
php: sort and count instances of words in a given string in a string. Lets say I have a collection on words happy beautiful happy lines pear gin happy lines rock happy lines pear How could.. of str_word_count and array_count_values str 'happy beautiful happy lines pear gin happy lines rock happy lines pear ' words.. str_word_count str 1 print_r words gives Array happy 4 beautiful 1 lines 3 pear 2 gin 1 rock 1 The 1 in str_word_count makes..
How to show Ajax requests in URL? however the first format is good too but this is much more beautiful. http # propertiesforsale houseandland quinnsbeach..
What is a “real” programming language? [closed] language although it is arguably not a particularly beautiful language. PHP is a pragmatic language. It was created out of..
Custom Collection in Doctrine2 interface type anyways. Now to what is planned. The more beautiful way to have custom collections is to also have a custom interface..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation right then get the other right and the two together play beautiful tunes. Try jamming them together doing both tasks at the same..
Dynamically bind mysqli_stmt parameters and then bind result (PHP) query fetch results fields query close And now we have a beautiful array of results just like fetch_assoc echo pre print_r results..
Regex for checking if a string has mismatched parentheses? kinds of 2nd level answers are what makes stackoverflow beautiful. Thanks for the links and the pseudocode. I'm not sure who to..
Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver which can be found here http It's a beautiful little piece of software that sits in your task bar and lets..
PHP file upload: mime or extention based varification? FILEINFO RLZ I've prepared some tutorial download this beautiful smileyface I drew view it. Pretty nice isn't it rename it to..