php Programming Glossary: before
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? a HTTP header to the client but there already was output before which resulted in headers to be already sent to the client... to the top. You can solve this by going through the lines before the code triggering the Warning and check where it outputs... and check where it outputs. Move any header sending code before that code. An often overlooked output is new lines after PHP's..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? question marks as placeholders where the variables were before. Get rid of ' single quotes that previously enclosed string..
mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in select syntax error share improve this question Check result before passing it to mysql_fetch_array . You'll find that it's false..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? not properly written. You should know what you are doing before using regex on HTML. HTML parsers already know the syntactical..
Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP? What is the use of @ symbol in php PHP 'At' symbol before variable name @ _POST PHP functions and @functions Should I.. decrement Returns a then decrements a by one. These can go before or after the variable. Putting this operator before the variable.. can go before or after the variable. Putting this operator before the variable is slightly faster . If put before the variable..
Headers already sent by PHP it php header share improve this question No output before sending headers Functions that send modify HTTP headers must.. Functions that send modify HTTP headers must be invoked before any output is made . Otherwise the call fails Warning Cannot.. setrawcookie Output can be Unintentional Whitespace before php or after UTF 8 Byte Order Mark Previous error messages or..
Converting words to numbers in PHP and eighty three apps would become iPhone as 230783 apps Before i start coding I would like to know if any function code exists..
CMS Routing in MVC fallback values for the optional parts. That said ... Before starting to make something so complicated as cms with framework..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? that humans don't. Let's try to identify those things. Before we look at behavior let's accept RayQuang's comment as being..
Store html entities in database? Or convert when retrieved? before or after inserting data into the database Before The new longer string will cause me to have to change the database..
(mysql, php) How to get auto_increment field value before inserting data? data I'm uploading image file to storage server. Before uploading I should compose filename which contains AUTOINCREMENT..
How to debug PDO database queries? to debug PDO database queries Before moving to PDO I created SQL queries in PHP by concatenating..
Tactics for using PHP in a high-load site for using PHP in a high load site Before you answer this I have never developed anything popular enough..
Delete directory with files in it? There are at least two options available nowdays. Before deleting the folder delete all it's files and folders and this..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? the translator should flag problematic translations. Before you ask What the hell is the point of this The answer is.....
Secure User Image Upload Capabilities in PHP I perform the above how vulnerable for attack am I still Before accepting a file I should hopefully have 1 only allowed jpgs..
Parse a JavaScript file through PHP In file.php you'll also want to output the correct header. Before outputting anything else you should have header Content Type..
What is your preferred php deployment strategy? [closed] with Ruby as well as some basic shell scripting. Before I dive head first on my own it would be great to hear how others..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation Un enhanced and not optimised for Physical considerations. Before you baulk at them first notice them register them and evaluate..
PHP function to evaluate string like “2-1” as arithmetic 2-1=1 data into it without properly validating it beforehand. Before I jump in to the example the places to get the class I will..
Cookie VS Session ID how will your application respond It's a security risk. Before sessions were all the rage I basically had my own implementation...
PHP Warning Permission denied (13) on session_start() [duplicate] server. This is a bit weird but you can work around it. Before the call to session_start put in a call to session_save_path..
RegExp in preg_match function returning browser error of string that causes the executable to crash. Comments Before investigating the answer to this question I didn't know about..
Run a php app using tomcat? using tomcat Is it possible to run a php app using tomcat Before you tell me to just use httpd I already have a java application..
Row count with PDO around what is the best way to row count using PDO in PHP Before using PDO I just simply used mysql_num_rows . fetchAll is something..
PHP OOP core framework if written as a regular expression. OOP beyond classes Before you start in on using or writing some sort of PHP framework..
How to get most recent date from an array of dates? like that... you get the idea If you want most recent BEFORE today mostRecent 0 now time foreach dates as date curDate strtotime..
How to increase by 1 all keys in an array? simplest solution to increase by 1 all keys in an array BEFORE arr 0 'a' arr 1 'b' arr 2 'c' AFTER arr 1 'a' arr 2 'b' arr..
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 little different. Here's an example Note Set the GET field BEFORE calling buildOauth url 'https 1.1 followers..
MySql Error: Can't update table in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger field small_name you could use CREATE TRIGGER `capital` BEFORE INSERT ON `brandnames` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SET NEW.short_name..
redirect after post? command you must make sure that you run this command BEFORE any content is displayed on that page you are running it on.. will only ever work if it is used in the PHP script BEFORE any static content or even HTML tags are spit out of the script...
Inspect XML created by PHP SoapClient call before/without sending the request that would be created with a PHP SoapClient function call BEFORE you actually send the request background I am new to WSDL communication..
Zend form validation
Remove empty subfolders with PHP times. All this because you go breadth first test folder BEFORE testing its children. Instead you should go into child folders..
Multiple pages using MySQL LIMIT, OFFSET trying to return your actual limited record set I say BEFORE since you obviously want to validate that the requested page..
Adding days to $Date in PHP m d' strtotime Date. ' 1 day' but this gives me the date BEFORE Date. What is the correct way to get my Dates in the format..
Getting list of Facebook friends with latest API in mycode example.php on line 129 . I can confirm that BEFORE this point in my code things are fine I'm connected to Facebook..
Programmatically determine whether to describe an object with “a” or “an”? VOWELS word ~ ^ aeiou i and return an word # HANDLE y... BEFORE CERTAIN CONSONANTS IMPLIES UNNATURALIZED i.. SOUND word ~ ^..
Parse SELECT clause of SQL queries into a PHP array a PHP array This is more for analyzing a query in PHP BEFORE it's sent to the server. Very complicated why im doing this..
PDO PHP Fetch Class fetch _class is that The properties of your object are set BEFORE the constructor is called.What does this mean Any direction..
Function eregi() is deprecated to fix function eregi is deprecated in php 5 3 0.php CODE BEFORE if eregi convert this library_path if eregi this library_path..
Routes in Codeigniter - Automatically route ' any ' polica ogled 1 All these routes must come BEFORE the ANY since they are read in the order they are presented..
Store all data changes with every details (like Stackoverflow) [closed] a new row in the history table For this you should use a BEFORE DELETE trigger and store the latest values before they are deleted...