php Programming Glossary: begintransaction
Importing multiple csv files to mysql tables host mysqlhostn' 'user' 'pass' foreach files as f db beginTransaction db exec sprintf 'TRUNCATE TABLE my_db.tbl_prefix_ s' tbls f.. '. e getMessage . n try while f array_shift files db beginTransaction q sprintf qf path f tbls f .sprintf pkA. f 'agent' pk '' pref..
PDO Prepared Inserts multiple rows in single query count x result text return implode separator result pdo beginTransaction also helps speed up your inserts insert_values array foreach..
How does Zend\Db in ZF2 control transactions? dive into the API docs for Zend Db Adapter. It looks like beginTransaction rollback and commit are defined in Zend Db Adapter Driver ConnectionInterface.. you might want to call adapter getDriver getConnection beginTransaction . Eww. I'm hoping someone else with more knowledge and a copy..
php/symfony/doctrine memory leak? conn null conn conn conn Doctrine_Manager connection conn beginTransaction try evento this object foreach evento getSectores as s for j..
PHP + MySQL transactions examples pseudo code try First of all let's begin a transaction db beginTransaction A set of queries if one fails an exception should be thrown..
How do detect that transaction has already been started? is a sample bit of code try Zend_Registry get 'database' beginTransaction totals self calculateTotals Cart PaymentInstrument new PaymentInstrument.. false Inside PaymentInstrument create there is another beginTransaction statement that produces the exception that says that transaction.. transaction active it sets the transDepth to 1. The next beginTransaction increments the level to 0 which means the transaction can neither..
How can I implement commit/rollback for MySQL in PHP? with PDO. Basically wrap the long running code in dbh beginTransaction ... dbh commit And according to this PDO document page When..
PHP PDF template library with PDF output?
Modeling objects with multiple table relationships in Zend Framework user save Deleting a row user delete Using transaction db beginTransaction db commit db rollback etc... it's all in the ZF Manual share..
Database transactions in Zend Framework: Are they isolated? will that fulfil my requirements Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract beginTransaction Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract commit Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract rollBack.. issue a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE query. Something like db beginTransaction try select db select forUpdate here's the magic from array..