php Programming Glossary: being
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? way to write queries. I also understand the importance of being consistent and up until now I have essentially randomly used..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables 4 rows in set 0.00 sec Bingo The boss is happy. Of course being a boss and never being happy with what he asked for he looks.. Bingo The boss is happy. Of course being a boss and never being happy with what he asked for he looks at the information then..
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? data has been cycled through the database once before being included in a query and is much harder to pull off. AFAIK you..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead continue using the old ext mysql extension for the time being. But you really shouldn't do this &mdash this is a final warning.. might consider suppressing deprecation errors for the time being but be sure to identify any other deprecation errors that are.. to identify any other deprecation errors that are also being thrown. You are using a third party project that depends upon..
“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate] that Session variable is blank. if empty UserName Besides being logged in you may restrict access to only certain users based..
How to enable PHP short tags? everything is working fine except that an SQL statement is being rendered differently. I don't know if this has to do with the..
PHP + MySQL transactions examples normal example of PHP file where MySQL transactions are being used. Can you show me simple example of that And one more question...
UTF-8 all the way through Unfortunately you should verify every received string as being valid UTF 8 before you try to store it or use it anywhere. PHP's.. is apparently only a recommendation hence the need for being explicit on every single form tag. Other Code Considerations..
ACL implementation So here is the logic.. we have to ensure that method being called is profile we have to detect owner of this profile we..
What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP? Speed I would not put too much weight on single quotes being faster than double quotes. They probably are faster in certain..
php execute a background process like to be able to perform such an action without the user being aware of the time it takes for the copy to complete. Any suggestions..
PHP global in functions your function also cannot exist without that class being available. That's less of an issue when it's classes from the..
Headers already sent by PHP statement or expression causes a warning message or notice being printeded out that also counts as premature output. In this..
How do I Sort a Multidimensional Array in PHP [duplicate] I would like to be able to sort with the most recent date being the first row. php sorting multidimensional array share improve..
How to get php_http extension working on PHP version 5.4 with Windows? but to get the source here and build it yourself. Sorry. Being that cURL is much more readily available and can do pretty much..
PHP Session Data Not Being Stored Session Data Not Being Stored I'm making a login system but when a user logs in it..
Common CRUD functions in PHP the 'text' type . The 'title' is simply the label used. Being 'hidden' the ID field is not shown for editing but is available..
To swap or not to swap, from CodeIgniter to Laravel? [closed] a couple of days and know the framework from inside out. Being built for PHP 5.3 provides you with so much nice features and..
phpseclib or ssh2 pecl extension and surmised that i needed to download the phpseclib. Being relatively new to php thus starting on php5 i was not aware..
Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another? which is an object that acts exactly like an array. Being an object however it has reference semantics. Edit @AndrewLarsson..
input is URL, how to protect it from xss possible moment ”just before presenting output to the user. Being in this practice also makes it easy to see any places you've..
BOM in a PHP page auto generated by Wordpress DOCTYPE in aruba. They are the UTF 8 BOM 0xef 0xbb 0xbf . Being the same PHP source on both the servers why does it appears..
Getting all dates for Mondays and Tuesdays for the next year 2010 Tue 09 Mar 2010 Mon 15 Mar 2010 Tue 16 Mar 2010 ... Being new to PHP I figured strtotime and looping over the next 52..
Will including unnecessary php files slow down website? I have to make many changes if a single path changes. Being lazy I included ALL back end files inthe master file so that..
Regex for names names Just starting to explore the 'wonders' of regex. Being someone who learns from trial and error I'm really struggling..
No PHP for large projects? Why not? offered that PHP should not be used for large projects. Being a primarily PHP developer I ask two questions What defines a..
Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API To User's Wall Without Being Online Logged in Facebook Sharing Using Graph API Hi i'm new..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? myController it would show the string 'Hello World'. Being able to show this string within the template of my website for..
AESCrypt decryption between iOS and PHP Something is horribly wrong with the AES256EncryptWithKey Being AES256 you would expect it to require a 32 byte key not a 16..
file_get_contents() error server must have the allow_url_fopen property set to true. Being on a free webhost explains it as it's usually disabled to prevent..
Speed of code execution: ASP.NET-MVC versus PHP but the flexibility of PHP in this regard is a good thing. Being able to deploy a script without bouncing your server is great...
Change default locale in Symfony2 language in the proper locale. How would I go doing this Being able to support multiple locales later would also be great...
Writing a PHP file to read from CSV and execute SQL Query The query would be like UPDATE sku csvSku WHERE id csvId Being a novice at both PHP and MySQL I do not know where to start..