jquery Programming Glossary: window.innerheight
window.innerHeight ie8 alternative http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10173236/window-innerheight-ie8-alternative ie8 alternative I have some calculations that rely on window.innerHeight.. ie8 alternative I have some calculations that rely on window.innerHeight . But as I have found out this is not available in any IE before.. at don't even come close to the figure I get when I use window.innerHeight . Does anybody have a work around javascript jquery internet..
jquery/js/html5 change page content when keyboard is visible on mobile devices [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11600040/jquery-js-html5-change-page-content-when-keyboard-is-visible-on-mobile-devices false var is_landscape false var initial_screen_size window.innerHeight Android window.addEventListener resize function is_keyboard.. window.addEventListener resize function is_keyboard window.innerHeight initial_screen_size is_landscape screen.height screen.width..
Incorrect page height in jQuery Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13028349/incorrect-page-height-in-jquery-mobile IEMobile 9.0 1 if isWp7 return portrait mode only if window.innerHeight window.innerWidth return var zoomFactorW document.body.clientWidth..
How to get an element the same height as browser resolution? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14486395/how-to-get-an-element-the-same-height-as-browser-resolution html css share improve this question Set a variable to window.innerHeight document .ready function var height window.innerHeight .bg .css.. to window.innerHeight document .ready function var height window.innerHeight .bg .css height height See https developer.mozilla.org en US.. height See https developer.mozilla.org en US docs DOM window.innerHeight for more details on window.innerHeight . window.innerHeight..
Problem trying to do window resize with jquery cycle slideshow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2183869/problem-trying-to-do-window-resize-with-jquery-cycle-slideshow .resize function resize function resize var theheight window.innerHeight var thewidth window.innerWidth var imageheight theheight 200..
Browser size (width and height) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2474009/browser-size-width-and-height
Is detecting scrollbar presence with jQuery still difficult? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2571514/is-detecting-scrollbar-presence-with-jquery-still-difficult 2 and IE7 line 6 . function scrollbar var viewportHeight window.innerHeight window.innerHeight window .height if jQuery.browser.msie if.. . function scrollbar var viewportHeight window.innerHeight window.innerHeight window .height if jQuery.browser.msie if parseInt jQuery.browser.version..
Checking if browser is in fullscreen [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2863351/checking-if-browser-is-in-fullscreen
HTML5 Canvas 100% Width Height of Viewport? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4288253/html5-canvas-100-width-height-of-viewport draw loop within a function that resizes the canvas to the window.innerHeight and window.innerWidth. Example http jsfiddle.net jaredwilli.. resizeCanvas canvas.width window.innerWidth canvas.height window.innerHeight Your drawings need to be inside this function otherwise they..
Detect viewport orientation, if orientation is Portrait display alert message advising user of instructions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4917664/detect-viewport-orientation-if-orientation-is-portrait-display-alert-message-ad device orientation share improve this question if window.innerHeight window.innerWidth alert Please use Landscape jQuery Mobile has..
$(window).width() not working in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7016268/window-width-not-working-in-ie9 Try this var maskWidth window.innerWidth var maskHeight window.innerHeight Or in IE 6 in standards compliant mode var maskWidth document.documentElement.clientWidth..
Stop fixed position at footer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8653025/stop-fixed-position-at-footer float' .css 'position' 'absolute' if document .scrollTop window.innerHeight '#footer' .offset .top '#social float' .css 'position' 'fixed'..
How to check if element is off-screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8897289/how-to-check-if-element-is-off-screen 0 el.offsetLeft window.innerWidth el.offsetTop window.innerHeight You could then use that in several ways returns all elements..
window.innerHeight ie8 alternative http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10173236/window-innerheight-ie8-alternative ie8 alternative I have some calculations that rely on window.innerHeight . But as I have found out this is not available.. ie8 alternative I have some calculations that rely on window.innerHeight . But as I have found out this is not available in any IE before IE9. All the other options I have looked at don't even.. in any IE before IE9. All the other options I have looked at don't even come close to the figure I get when I use window.innerHeight . Does anybody have a work around javascript jquery internet explorer 8 share improve this question You might want..
jquery/js/html5 change page content when keyboard is visible on mobile devices [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11600040/jquery-js-html5-change-page-content-when-keyboard-is-visible-on-mobile-devices iOS mobile safari support with LKM solution var is_keyboard false var is_landscape false var initial_screen_size window.innerHeight Android window.addEventListener resize function is_keyboard window.innerHeight initial_screen_size is_landscape screen.height.. false var initial_screen_size window.innerHeight Android window.addEventListener resize function is_keyboard window.innerHeight initial_screen_size is_landscape screen.height screen.width updateViews false iOS input .bind focus blur function window..
Incorrect page height in jQuery Mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13028349/incorrect-page-height-in-jquery-mobile bodyMinHeightFix var isWp7 window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf IEMobile 9.0 1 if isWp7 return portrait mode only if window.innerHeight window.innerWidth return var zoomFactorW document.body.clientWidth screen.availWidth default value web browser app var addrBarH..
How to get an element the same height as browser resolution? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14486395/how-to-get-an-element-the-same-height-as-browser-resolution height jQuery window .css height script javascript jquery html css share improve this question Set a variable to window.innerHeight document .ready function var height window.innerHeight .bg .css height height See https developer.mozilla.org en US docs.. html css share improve this question Set a variable to window.innerHeight document .ready function var height window.innerHeight .bg .css height height See https developer.mozilla.org en US docs DOM window.innerHeight for more details on window.innerHeight.. .ready function var height window.innerHeight .bg .css height height See https developer.mozilla.org en US docs DOM window.innerHeight for more details on window.innerHeight . window.innerHeight returns the height of the user's viewport not really the screen..
Problem trying to do window resize with jquery cycle slideshow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2183869/problem-trying-to-do-window-resize-with-jquery-cycle-slideshow .css height 0 '#image' .hide .idle 1000 .fadeIn resize window .resize function resize function resize var theheight window.innerHeight var thewidth window.innerWidth var imageheight theheight 200 if imageheight 540 imageheight 540 if imageheight 300 imageheight..
Browser size (width and height) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2474009/browser-size-width-and-height
Is detecting scrollbar presence with jQuery still difficult? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2571514/is-detecting-scrollbar-presence-with-jquery-still-difficult deals with inconsistencies that you'd encounter in Opera line 2 and IE7 line 6 . function scrollbar var viewportHeight window.innerHeight window.innerHeight window .height if jQuery.browser.msie if parseInt jQuery.browser.version 7 viewportHeight 3 if viewportHeight.. that you'd encounter in Opera line 2 and IE7 line 6 . function scrollbar var viewportHeight window.innerHeight window.innerHeight window .height if jQuery.browser.msie if parseInt jQuery.browser.version 7 viewportHeight 3 if viewportHeight '#wrapper'..
Checking if browser is in fullscreen [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2863351/checking-if-browser-is-in-fullscreen
HTML5 Canvas 100% Width Height of Viewport? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4288253/html5-canvas-100-width-height-of-viewport even when the browser is resized you need to run your draw loop within a function that resizes the canvas to the window.innerHeight and window.innerWidth. Example http jsfiddle.net jaredwilli qFuDr HTML canvas id canvas canvas JavaScript function var canvas.. 'resize' resizeCanvas false function resizeCanvas canvas.width window.innerWidth canvas.height window.innerHeight Your drawings need to be inside this function otherwise they will be reset when you resize the browser window and the..
Detect viewport orientation, if orientation is Portrait display alert message advising user of instructions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4917664/detect-viewport-orientation-if-orientation-is-portrait-display-alert-message-ad mode. Many thanks Dan javascript jquery mobile viewport device orientation share improve this question if window.innerHeight window.innerWidth alert Please use Landscape jQuery Mobile has an event that handles the change of this property... if you..
$(window).width() not working in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7016268/window-width-not-working-in-ie9 explorer 9 cross browser share improve this question Try this var maskWidth window.innerWidth var maskHeight window.innerHeight Or in IE 6 in standards compliant mode var maskWidth document.documentElement.clientWidth var maskHeight document.documentElement.clientHeight..
Stop fixed position at footer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8653025/stop-fixed-position-at-footer '#social float' .height '#footer' .offset .top 10 '#social float' .css 'position' 'absolute' if document .scrollTop window.innerHeight '#footer' .offset .top '#social float' .css 'position' 'fixed' restore when you scroll up notice that #social float 's parent..
How to check if element is off-screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8897289/how-to-check-if-element-is-off-screen return el.offsetLeft el.offsetWidth 0 el.offsetTop el.offsetHeight 0 el.offsetLeft window.innerWidth el.offsetTop window.innerHeight You could then use that in several ways returns all elements that are offscreen ' offscreen' boolean returned if element..