jquery Programming Glossary: window.history
Is this a proper way to use History.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13278822/is-this-a-proper-way-to-use-history-js PT7qx show a href page header Page Header a a href login form Login Form a a href nothing Nothing a script var History window.History if History.enabled return false History.Adapter.bind window 'statechange' function var State History.getState History.log.. html fragments. p div id hidden_content class hidden div body script type 'text javascript' CDATA function var History window.History if History.enabled State History.getState set initial state to first page that was loaded History.pushState urlPath window.location.pathname..
jQuery & history.js example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13553037/jquery-history-js-example box is replaced with content from supporting pages using javascript and AJAX. div script function Prepare var History window.History Note We are using a capital H instead of a lower h if History.enabled History.js is disabled for this browser. This is..
Back-Forward buttons of browser are showing weird behaviour. History.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15954005/back-forward-buttons-of-browser-are-showing-weird-behaviour-history-js had an onChange event triggerd via select . The code of manage_history is function manage_history str str2 var History window.History if History.enabled return false var path 'http localhost enc p ' str History.pushState myid str str2 path History.Adapter.bind.. History.getState update_div1 value update_div2 value update_div3 value function manage_history str str2 var History window.History if History.enabled return false var path 'http localhost enc p ' str History.pushState myid str str2 path update_div1 State.data.myid..
browser back and forward button does not invoke callback method with statechange event of history.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16164210/browser-back-and-forward-button-does-not-invoke-callback-method-with-statechange alert 'Inside History.Adapter.bind ' State.data.myData function manageHistory url data uniqueId var History window.History if History.enabled return false History.replaceState myData data null ' stateHistory ' uniqueId if I invoke manageHistory..