

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:10:20

jquery Programming Glossary: window.cleartimeout

How to run a function once when binding to multiple events that all trigger in Javascript?


like this input.on 'keyup change' function e if timer window.clearTimeout timer timer window.setTimeout function timer null val input.val.. change' function e if runner false runner true if timer window.clearTimeout timer timer window.setTimeout function timer null val input.val..

Resetting a setTimeout


... in your click function call clearTimeout window.clearTimeout timeoutHandle then call setTimeout again to reset the timer..

JavaScript / jQuery - Make an AJAX request when a user is typing in a textarea


var timer null textArea.onkeypress function if timer window.clearTimeout timer timer window.setTimeout function timer null callback..

window.resize event firing in Internet Explorer


was a infinite loop setWrapperPosition mainWrapper.parent window.clearTimeout resizeTimeout resizeTimeout window.setTimeout onResize 10 Solution.. old one if winWidth winNewWidth winHeight winNewHeight window.clearTimeout resizeTimeout resizeTimeout window.setTimeout onResize 10 Update..

focus() not working in safari or chrome


.focus function e var code e.keyCode e.keyCode e.which window.clearTimeout statusTimer recipientDivHandler code null function recipientDivHandler..

setTimeout / clearTimeout problems


will apear... no clearTimeout... function endAndStartTimer window.clearTimeout timer var timer var millisecBeforeRedirect 10000 timer window.setTimeout.. function invocation. var timer function endAndStartTimer window.clearTimeout timer var millisecBeforeRedirect 10000 timer window.setTimeout..

JavaScript: Disable text selection via doubleclick


function DoubleClick evt ClearSelection window.clearTimeout _tripleClickTimer handle triple click selecting whole paragraph..

jquery color animation throws Invalid property value intermittently


hyperlinkUrlId .animate backgroundColor 'white' 2000 2000 window.clearTimeout Now rarely I've had it crash right at this point but typically..

How to run a function once when binding to multiple events that all trigger in Javascript?


and change to trigger an update of a listview via Ajax. Looks like this input.on 'keyup change' function e if timer window.clearTimeout timer timer window.setTimeout function timer null val input.val el input.closest 'ul' run a function triggers Ajax widget.. by adding another timeout var runner false input.on 'keyup change' function e if runner false runner true if timer window.clearTimeout timer timer window.setTimeout function timer null val input.val el input.closest 'ul' widget func dyn el lib_template..

Resetting a setTimeout


the example above assign the result var timeoutHandle window.setTimeout ... in your click function call clearTimeout window.clearTimeout timeoutHandle then call setTimeout again to reset the timer timeoutHandle window.setTimeout ... share improve this answer..

JavaScript / jQuery - Make an AJAX request when a user is typing in a textarea


doAjaxStuff function addTextAreaCallback textArea callback delay var timer null textArea.onkeypress function if timer window.clearTimeout timer timer window.setTimeout function timer null callback delay textArea null addTextAreaCallback document.getElementById..

window.resize event firing in Internet Explorer


LEFT css property which triggers window.resize again and it was a infinite loop setWrapperPosition mainWrapper.parent window.clearTimeout resizeTimeout resizeTimeout window.setTimeout onResize 10 Solution var winWidth window .width winHeight window .height window.. window .height compare the new height and width with old one if winWidth winNewWidth winHeight winNewHeight window.clearTimeout resizeTimeout resizeTimeout window.setTimeout onResize 10 Update the width and height winWidth winNewWidth winHeight winNewHeight..

focus() not working in safari or chrome


#recipientsDiv recipientDomElem 0 .tabIndex 0 #recipientsDiv .focus function e var code e.keyCode e.keyCode e.which window.clearTimeout statusTimer recipientDivHandler code null function recipientDivHandler code element #recipientsDiv .append ' input type..

setTimeout / clearTimeout problems


is called 5 times within the first 10 seconds then 5 alerts will apear... no clearTimeout... function endAndStartTimer window.clearTimeout timer var timer var millisecBeforeRedirect 10000 timer window.setTimeout function alert 'Hello ' 10000 Any one got some.. the function. Otherwise you get a brand new variable on each function invocation. var timer function endAndStartTimer window.clearTimeout timer var millisecBeforeRedirect 10000 timer window.setTimeout function alert 'Hello ' 10000 share improve this answer..

JavaScript: Disable text selection via doubleclick


true document.onmouseup function _mouseDown false document.ondblclick function DoubleClick evt ClearSelection window.clearTimeout _tripleClickTimer handle triple click selecting whole paragraph document.onclick function ClearSelection _tripleClickTimer..

jquery color animation throws Invalid property value intermittently


is defined as... function yellowFade window.setTimeout '#' hyperlinkUrlId .animate backgroundColor 'white' 2000 2000 window.clearTimeout Now rarely I've had it crash right at this point but typically it is later so I'll continue... I then click a button titled..