jquery Programming Glossary: wikipedia
Unexpected Caching of AJAX results in IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1013637/unexpected-caching-of-ajax-results-in-ie8 getpuzzleinfo null function data status var content h1 Wikipedia Maze h1 content p class 'endtopic' Looking for span a title..
parse json string from wikimedia using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10196222/parse-json-string-from-wikimedia-using-jquery Where first is a variable containing the article title for Wikipedia. I'm finding it extremely complex to parse this data to make..
Keep a JavaScript variables value after a page refresh? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11841771/keep-a-javascript-variables-value-after-a-page-refresh user's web browser while a user is browsing a website from Wikipedia . Using a cookie you can save the state and later read it and..
Sort an array by the “Levenshtein Distance” with best performance in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11919065/sort-an-array-by-the-levenshtein-distance-with-best-performance-in-javascript ld ldjavascript.htm Damerau “Levenshtein distance Wikipedia var levDist function s t var d 2d matrix Step 1 var n s.length..
Is HTML 5 supported by all the main browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1355082/is-html-5-supported-by-all-the-main-browsers as they're the officially blessed method for doing so. Wikipedia has a good summary of the various support levels across browsers..
Understanding Cross domain XHR and XML data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13854250/understanding-cross-domain-xhr-and-xml-data bothered to think about how it really works. I have read Wikipedia JSONP article and I am more confused. I am not sure what is..
JQuery ajax cross domain call and permission issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2196966/jquery-ajax-cross-domain-call-and-permission-issue
How does the same origin policy apply to IP addresses http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2686876/how-does-the-same-origin-policy-apply-to-ip-addresses resulting XML responses using JQuery. I read the entry on Wikipedia but am confused how that applies to my situation since our machines..
Multiple thead/tbody design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3206239/multiple-thead-tbody-design h4 ul li a href http en.wikipedia.org wiki Usa USA on Wikipedia a li li a href http nationalatlas.gov National Atlas of the..
No response from MediaWiki API using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3873636/no-response-from-mediawiki-api-using-jquery API using jQuery I've tried to get some content from Wikipedia as JSON .getJSON http en.wikipedia.org w api.php action query..
What is the best way of showing progress on an Ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3901495/what-is-the-best-way-of-showing-progress-on-an-ajax-call then server will keep pushing data back to client. From Wikipedia Comet is a programming technique that enables web servers to..
Update whole page on Ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5941933/update-whole-page-on-ajax-request approach is to use base64 encoding in a data URI. The Wikipedia entry explains how it works including a javascript example...
jQuery asynchronous function call, no AJAX request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6836299/jquery-asynchronous-function-call-no-ajax-request in IE10 . Some resources on Web Workers Using Web workers Wikipedia article on Web Workers WHATWG Web Workers Here are a few resources..
Asynchronous and Synchronous Terms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7131991/asynchronous-and-synchronous-terms the same rate and exactly together recurring together. Yet Wikipedia says In programming asynchronous events are those occurring..
How do I select and open a random link of a certain class on an external webpage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9030770/how-do-i-select-and-open-a-random-link-of-a-certain-class-on-an-external-webpage When a user clicks the button they should be taken to a Wikipedia page that is randomly selected from the array of links from..
How to manage DOM elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10021223/how-to-manage-dom-elements number of the new rows to the current cache it memoization wikipedia If you have any type of iteration over a collection of DOM elements..
Image Upload with Preview and Delete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10206648/image-upload-with-preview-and-delete script script var blank http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia commons c c0 Blank.gif function readURL input if input.files..
jQuery - drag div css background http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11271704/jquery-drag-div-css-background div.bg img background image url http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia commons 9 91 Flexopecten_ponticus_2008_G1.jpg background position..
Can't dynamically load HTML5 audio with Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16952870/cant-dynamically-load-html5-audio-with-firefox e e.preventDefault var fileName http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia en d db March_of_Public_Peace_Preservation.ogg var fileMimeType..
jsonp comet hanging request causes ugly “loading” status on browsers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3744488/jsonp-comet-hanging-request-causes-ugly-loading-status-on-browsers I've already taken the time to cite my sources on the CORS wikipedia page if you want them. The simplest solution I can think of..
How to identify when the DOM has been changed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3744706/how-to-identify-when-the-dom-has-been-changed you can check the DOM mutation events. The DOM events wikipedia page lists them all. However you should know that they are not..
jQuery - draggable images on iPad / iPhone - how to integrate event.preventDefault();? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4488601/jquery-draggable-images-on-ipad-iphone-how-to-integrate-event-preventdefau border 1px solid red img src http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia en thumb 9 9e JQuery_logo.svg 200px JQuery_logo.svg.png class.. alt jQuery logo img src http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia en a ab Apple logo.png class draggable alt Apple Inc. logo div..
cross domain jquery ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5141531/cross-domain-jquery-ajax-request ajax request. For more info you can have a look at the wikipedia article http en.wikipedia.org wiki JSON#JSONP share improve..
Can I fade in a background image (CSS: background-image) with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7319552/can-i-fade-in-a-background-image-css-background-image-with-jquery contain background image url http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia commons 8 84 Konqi_svg.svg border 1px solid #666 height 10em..
Unexpected Caching of AJAX results in IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1013637/unexpected-caching-of-ajax-results-in-ie8 to a new page. Once the page is loaded I do this .get game getpuzzleinfo null function data status var content h1 Wikipedia Maze h1 content p class 'endtopic' Looking for span a title 'Opens the topic you are looking for in a separate tab or window'..
parse json string from wikimedia using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10196222/parse-json-string-from-wikimedia-using-jquery rvprop content format json titles first rvsection 0 Where first is a variable containing the article title for Wikipedia. I'm finding it extremely complex to parse this data to make a meaningful html out of it. I was usuing .each function initially...
Keep a JavaScript variables value after a page refresh? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11841771/keep-a-javascript-variables-value-after-a-page-refresh a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while a user is browsing a website from Wikipedia . Using a cookie you can save the state and later read it and use it. With jQuery it is very easy to use cookies. To set..
Sort an array by the “Levenshtein Distance” with best performance in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11919065/sort-an-array-by-the-levenshtein-distance-with-best-performance-in-javascript optimisation. http www.merriampark.com ld.htm http www.mgilleland.com ld ldjavascript.htm Damerau “Levenshtein distance Wikipedia var levDist function s t var d 2d matrix Step 1 var n s.length var m t.length if n 0 return m if m 0 return n Create an..
Is HTML 5 supported by all the main browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1355082/is-html-5-supported-by-all-the-main-browsers golden. I use them to store state all the time in my webapps as they're the officially blessed method for doing so. Wikipedia has a good summary of the various support levels across browsers http en.wikipedia.org wiki Comparison_of_layout_engines_..
Understanding Cross domain XHR and XML data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13854250/understanding-cross-domain-xhr-and-xml-data work and how JQuery handles it for some reason I have never bothered to think about how it really works. I have read Wikipedia JSONP article and I am more confused. I am not sure what is that I am not understanding. I am aware that using JSONP I can..
JQuery ajax cross domain call and permission issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2196966/jquery-ajax-cross-domain-call-and-permission-issue
How does the same origin policy apply to IP addresses http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2686876/how-does-the-same-origin-policy-apply-to-ip-addresses this server from my machine also on the intranet and get the resulting XML responses using JQuery. I read the entry on Wikipedia but am confused how that applies to my situation since our machines only have IP addresses not domain names. I have server..
Multiple thead/tbody design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3206239/multiple-thead-tbody-design alt Flag of USA h4 Additional information h4 ul li a href http en.wikipedia.org wiki Usa USA on Wikipedia a li li a href http nationalatlas.gov National Atlas of the United States a li li a href http www.nationalcenter.org HistoricalDocuments.html..
No response from MediaWiki API using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3873636/no-response-from-mediawiki-api-using-jquery response from MediaWiki API using jQuery I've tried to get some content from Wikipedia as JSON .getJSON http en.wikipedia.org w api.php action query prop revisions rvprop content titles title format json function..
What is the best way of showing progress on an Ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3901495/what-is-the-best-way-of-showing-progress-on-an-ajax-call again. . The client needs to only connect to server once . and then server will keep pushing data back to client. From Wikipedia Comet is a programming technique that enables web servers to send data to the client without having any need for the client..
Update whole page on Ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5941933/update-whole-page-on-ajax-request have the Javascript URI in the address bar. UPDATE A similar approach is to use base64 encoding in a data URI. The Wikipedia entry explains how it works including a javascript example. However you'd have to base64 encode the content somehow. Note..
jQuery asynchronous function call, no AJAX request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6836299/jquery-asynchronous-function-call-no-ajax-request not widely supported supported in IE I think they will be in IE10 . Some resources on Web Workers Using Web workers Wikipedia article on Web Workers WHATWG Web Workers Here are a few resources on accomplishing multi threading without web workers...
Asynchronous and Synchronous Terms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7131991/asynchronous-and-synchronous-terms in time contemporaneous simultaneous. going on at the same rate and exactly together recurring together. Yet Wikipedia says In programming asynchronous events are those occurring independently of the main program flow. Asynchronous actions..
How do I select and open a random link of a certain class on an external webpage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9030770/how-do-i-select-and-open-a-random-link-of-a-certain-class-on-an-external-webpage wiki Category Sports value Sports input form body html When a user clicks the button they should be taken to a Wikipedia page that is randomly selected from the array of links from the page we queried right now set as the src in the button ...
How to manage DOM elements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10021223/how-to-manage-dom-elements number of rows don't calculate it everytime just add the number of the new rows to the current cache it memoization wikipedia If you have any type of iteration over a collection of DOM elements and you don't use jQuery to iterate use this suggestions..
Image Upload with Preview and Delete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10206648/image-upload-with-preview-and-delete script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1 jquery.min.js script script var blank http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia commons c c0 Blank.gif function readURL input if input.files input.files 0 var reader new FileReader reader.onload function..
jQuery - drag div css background http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11271704/jquery-drag-div-css-background q6r8f 4 Original Answer HTML div class bg img div CSS div.bg img background image url http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia commons 9 91 Flexopecten_ponticus_2008_G1.jpg background position 0 0 background repeat no repeat background color blue..
Can't dynamically load HTML5 audio with Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16952870/cant-dynamically-load-html5-audio-with-firefox the Javascript requires jQuery function a .click function e e.preventDefault var fileName http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia en d db March_of_Public_Peace_Preservation.ogg var fileMimeType audio ogg var audio 'audio' audio.attr src fileName audio.attr..
jsonp comet hanging request causes ugly “loading” status on browsers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3744488/jsonp-comet-hanging-request-causes-ugly-loading-status-on-browsers every browser with userscript support I could find to test. I've already taken the time to cite my sources on the CORS wikipedia page if you want them. The simplest solution I can think of would be to test for CORS and then fall back to JSONP so that..
How to identify when the DOM has been changed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3744706/how-to-identify-when-the-dom-has-been-changed share improve this question If you must detect changes you can check the DOM mutation events. The DOM events wikipedia page lists them all. However you should know that they are not supported in Internet Explorer and may fire too often in..
jQuery - draggable images on iPad / iPhone - how to integrate event.preventDefault();? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4488601/jquery-draggable-images-on-ipad-iphone-how-to-integrate-event-preventdefau script head body div div style width 500px height 500px border 1px solid red img src http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia en thumb 9 9e JQuery_logo.svg 200px JQuery_logo.svg.png class draggable alt jQuery logo img src http upload.wikimedia.org.. 9 9e JQuery_logo.svg 200px JQuery_logo.svg.png class draggable alt jQuery logo img src http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia en a ab Apple logo.png class draggable alt Apple Inc. logo div div body script type text javascript document .ready function..
cross domain jquery ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5141531/cross-domain-jquery-ajax-request
Can I fade in a background image (CSS: background-image) with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7319552/can-i-fade-in-a-background-image-css-background-image-with-jquery repeat no repeat background position center background size contain background image url http upload.wikimedia.org wikipedia commons 8 84 Konqi_svg.svg border 1px solid #666 height 10em EDIT I've made a fiddle exemplifying my scenario. Basically..