jquery Programming Glossary: window.attachevent
JavaScript to jQuery syntax Building custom CSS horizontal menu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16035139/javascript-to-jquery-syntax-building-custom-css-horizontal-menu window.addEventListener load createcssmenu false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload createcssmenu I need to re write it.. load createcssmenu false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload createcssmenu I need to re write it using jQuery syntax...
IBM Worklight 6.1 - Uncaught ReferenceErrors: WLJQ is not defined, WL is not defined http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20606629/ibm-worklight-6-1-uncaught-referenceerrors-wljq-is-not-defined-wl-is-not-def 'load' function WL.Client.init wlInitOptions false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent 'onload' function WL.Client.init wlInitOptions.. wlInitOptions false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent 'onload' function WL.Client.init wlInitOptions Thanks a lot..
How soon will jQuery(document).ready be called? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2397534/how-soon-will-jquerydocument-ready-be-called A fallback to window.onload that will always work window.attachEvent onload jQuery.ready If IE and not a frame continually check..
$(document).ready() source http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3430455/document-ready-source A fallback to window.onload that will always work window.attachEvent onload idempotent_fn If IE and not a frame continually check.. document.attachEvent onreadystatechange b window.attachEvent onload e.ready var i false try i window.frameElement null catch.. document.attachEvent onreadystatechange DOMContentLoaded window.attachEvent onload jQuery.ready var toplevel false try toplevel window.frameElement..
Possible to defer loading of jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5852767/possible-to-defer-loading-of-jquery load downloadJSAtOnload false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload downloadJSAtOnload else window.onload.. load downloadJSAtOnload false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload downloadJSAtOnload else window.onload downloadJSAtOnload..
IE7 input:focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967715/ie7-inputfocus this.className.replace new RegExp sffocus b if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload sfFocus And here is the css style.. new RegExp sffocus b if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload sfFocus And here is the css style input focus input.sffocus..
pure JavaScript equivalent to jQuery's $.ready() how to call a function when the page/dom is ready for it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9899372/pure-javascript-equivalent-to-jquerys-ready-how-to-call-a-function-when-the onreadystatechange fn with a fallback to window.attachEvent onload fn And there are some work arounds in the IE code path..
JavaScript to jQuery syntax Building custom CSS horizontal menu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16035139/javascript-to-jquery-syntax-building-custom-css-horizontal-menu ul 0 .style.zIndex 100 if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener load createcssmenu false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload createcssmenu I need to re write it using jQuery syntax. This is where I came to document .ready.. 100 if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener load createcssmenu false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload createcssmenu I need to re write it using jQuery syntax. This is where I came to document .ready function '#navmenu..
IBM Worklight 6.1 - Uncaught ReferenceErrors: WLJQ is not defined, WL is not defined http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20606629/ibm-worklight-6-1-uncaught-referenceerrors-wljq-is-not-defined-wl-is-not-def url '' if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener 'load' function WL.Client.init wlInitOptions false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent 'onload' function WL.Client.init wlInitOptions Thanks a lot in advance. jquery eclipse backbone.js underscore.js.. window.addEventListener 'load' function WL.Client.init wlInitOptions false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent 'onload' function WL.Client.init wlInitOptions Thanks a lot in advance. jquery eclipse backbone.js underscore.js worklight..
How soon will jQuery(document).ready be called? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2397534/how-soon-will-jquerydocument-ready-be-called for iframes document.attachEvent onreadystatechange DOMContentLoaded A fallback to window.onload that will always work window.attachEvent onload jQuery.ready If IE and not a frame continually check to see if the document is ready var toplevel false try toplevel..
$(document).ready() source http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3430455/document-ready-source for iframes document.attachEvent onreadystatechange idempotent_fn A fallback to window.onload that will always work window.attachEvent onload idempotent_fn If IE and not a frame continually check to see if the document is ready var toplevel false try toplevel.. window.addEventListener load e.ready false else if document.attachEvent document.attachEvent onreadystatechange b window.attachEvent onload e.ready var i false try i window.frameElement null catch j if document.documentElement.doScroll i a d e document.. load jQuery.ready false else if document.attachEvent document.attachEvent onreadystatechange DOMContentLoaded window.attachEvent onload jQuery.ready var toplevel false try toplevel window.frameElement null catch e if document.documentElement.doScroll..
Possible to defer loading of jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5852767/possible-to-defer-loading-of-jquery of event handling capability if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener load downloadJSAtOnload false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload downloadJSAtOnload else window.onload downloadJSAtOnload script I'd like to defer loading of jQuery.. capability if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener load downloadJSAtOnload false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload downloadJSAtOnload else window.onload downloadJSAtOnload script I'd like to defer loading of jQuery this way but..
IE7 input:focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/967715/ie7-inputfocus this.className sffocus sfEls i .onblur function this.className this.className.replace new RegExp sffocus b if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload sfFocus And here is the css style input focus input.sffocus background color #DEEFFF The problem.. sffocus sfEls i .onblur function this.className this.className.replace new RegExp sffocus b if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload sfFocus And here is the css style input focus input.sffocus background color #DEEFFF The problem is that IE doesn't..
pure JavaScript equivalent to jQuery's $.ready() how to call a function when the page/dom is ready for it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9899372/pure-javascript-equivalent-to-jquerys-ready-how-to-call-a-function-when-the 'load' fn false or for older versions of IE it uses document.attachEvent onreadystatechange fn with a fallback to window.attachEvent onload fn And there are some work arounds in the IE code path that I don't quite follow but it looks like it has something..