jquery Programming Glossary: window.addeventlistener
How to get an AJAX get-request to wait for the page to be rendered before returning a response? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11486256/how-to-get-an-ajax-get-request-to-wait-for-the-page-to-be-rendered-before-return messages from the GM instance running on the iFrame window.addEventListener message receiveMessage false Load the resource site in a hidden..
jquery/js/html5 change page content when keyboard is visible on mobile devices [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11600040/jquery-js-html5-change-page-content-when-keyboard-is-visible-on-mobile-devices false var initial_screen_size window.innerHeight Android window.addEventListener resize function is_keyboard window.innerHeight initial_screen_size..
Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15944197/android-browser-touchcancel-being-fired-althought-touchmove-has-preventdefault new Date .getTime while new Date .getTime startTime delay window.addEventListener 'load' function var target document.querySelector '#target'..
How soon will jQuery(document).ready be called? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2397534/how-soon-will-jquerydocument-ready-be-called false A fallback to window.onload that will always work window.addEventListener load jQuery.ready false If IE event model is used else if document.attachEvent..
$(document).ready() source http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3430455/document-ready-source false A fallback to window.onload that will always work window.addEventListener load idempotent_fn false If IE event model is used else if document.attachEvent.. document.addEventListener DOMContentLoaded b false window.addEventListener load e.ready false else if document.attachEvent document.attachEvent.. DOMContentLoaded DOMContentLoaded false window.addEventListener load jQuery.ready false else if document.attachEvent document.attachEvent..
HTML5 Canvas 100% Width Height of Viewport? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4288253/html5-canvas-100-width-height-of-viewport '2d' resize the canvas to fill browser window dynamically window.addEventListener 'resize' resizeCanvas false function resizeCanvas canvas.width..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily wheel e preventDefault e function disable_scroll if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener 'DOMMouseScroll' wheel false window.onmousewheel.. e function disable_scroll if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener 'DOMMouseScroll' wheel false window.onmousewheel document.onmousewheel..
How to use jQuery in Firefox Extension http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491490/how-to-use-jquery-in-firefox-extension
Possible to defer loading of jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5852767/possible-to-defer-loading-of-jquery Check for browser support of event handling capability if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener load downloadJSAtOnload false else if.. of event handling capability if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener load downloadJSAtOnload false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent..
When using setInterval, if I switch tabs in Chrome and go back, the slider goes crazy catching up http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6183463/when-using-setinterval-if-i-switch-tabs-in-chrome-and-go-back-the-slider-goes when a tab is focused or not in Chrome with Javascript window.addEventListener 'focus' function document.title 'focused' false window.addEventListener.. 'focus' function document.title 'focused' false window.addEventListener 'blur' function document.title 'not focused' false To apply.. 8000 function stopAutopager window.clearInterval autopager window.addEventListener 'focus' startAutopager window.addEventListener 'blur' stopAutopager..
Detect whether scroll event was created by user http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7035896/detect-whether-scroll-event-was-created-by-user true detect user scroll through mouse Mozilla Webkit if window.addEventListener document.addEventListener 'DOMMouseScroll' mouseEvent false..
Html5 - Cross Browser Iframe postmessage - child to parent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8822907/html5-cross-browser-iframe-postmessage-child-to-parent mobile share improve this question var eventMethod window.addEventListener addEventListener attachEvent var eventer window eventMethod..
How does jquery mobile hide mobile safari's addressbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9798158/how-does-jquery-mobile-hide-mobile-safaris-addressbar iPhone 4S iOS 5.1. ORIGINAL RESPONSES This is what we use window.addEventListener load function setTimeout function window.scrollTo 0 1 0 It works..
pure JavaScript equivalent to jQuery's $.ready() how to call a function when the page/dom is ready for it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9899372/pure-javascript-equivalent-to-jquerys-ready-how-to-call-a-function-when-the 'DOMContentLoaded' fn false with a fallback to window.addEventListener 'load' fn false or for older versions of IE it uses document.attachEvent..
How to get an AJAX get-request to wait for the page to be rendered before returning a response? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11486256/how-to-get-an-ajax-get-request-to-wait-for-the-page-to-be-rendered-before-return is fetching results from jsbin.com... div ' Setup to process messages from the GM instance running on the iFrame window.addEventListener message receiveMessage false Load the resource site in a hidden iframe. body .append ' iframe src http jsbin.com ahacab..
jquery/js/html5 change page content when keyboard is visible on mobile devices [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11600040/jquery-js-html5-change-page-content-when-keyboard-is-visible-on-mobile-devices with LKM solution var is_keyboard false var is_landscape false var initial_screen_size window.innerHeight Android window.addEventListener resize function is_keyboard window.innerHeight initial_screen_size is_landscape screen.height screen.width updateViews false..
Android browser: touchcancel being fired althought touchmove has preventDefault http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15944197/android-browser-touchcancel-being-fired-althought-touchmove-has-preventdefault event.stopPropagation var pause function var startTime new Date .getTime while new Date .getTime startTime delay window.addEventListener 'load' function var target document.querySelector '#target' var status document.querySelector '#status' target.addEventListener..
How soon will jQuery(document).ready be called? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2397534/how-soon-will-jquerydocument-ready-be-called document.addEventListener DOMContentLoaded DOMContentLoaded false A fallback to window.onload that will always work window.addEventListener load jQuery.ready false If IE event model is used else if document.attachEvent ensure firing before onload maybe late but..
$(document).ready() source http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3430455/document-ready-source document.addEventListener DOMContentLoaded idempotent_fn false A fallback to window.onload that will always work window.addEventListener load idempotent_fn false If IE event model is used else if document.attachEvent ensure firing before onload maybe late.. complete return e.ready if document.addEventListener document.addEventListener DOMContentLoaded b false window.addEventListener load e.ready false else if document.attachEvent document.attachEvent onreadystatechange b window.attachEvent onload e.ready.. return jQuery.ready if document.addEventListener document.addEventListener DOMContentLoaded DOMContentLoaded false window.addEventListener load jQuery.ready false else if document.attachEvent document.attachEvent onreadystatechange DOMContentLoaded window.attachEvent..
HTML5 Canvas 100% Width Height of Viewport? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4288253/html5-canvas-100-width-height-of-viewport document.getElementById 'canvas' context canvas.getContext '2d' resize the canvas to fill browser window dynamically window.addEventListener 'resize' resizeCanvas false function resizeCanvas canvas.width window.innerWidth canvas.height window.innerHeight Your..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily i if e.keyCode keys i preventDefault e return function wheel e preventDefault e function disable_scroll if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener 'DOMMouseScroll' wheel false window.onmousewheel document.onmousewheel wheel document.onkeydown.. keys i preventDefault e return function wheel e preventDefault e function disable_scroll if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener 'DOMMouseScroll' wheel false window.onmousewheel document.onmousewheel wheel document.onkeydown keydown function enable_scroll..
How to use jQuery in Firefox Extension http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491490/how-to-use-jquery-in-firefox-extension
Possible to defer loading of jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5852767/possible-to-defer-loading-of-jquery deferredfunctions.js document.body.appendChild element Check for browser support of event handling capability if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener load downloadJSAtOnload false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload downloadJSAtOnload.. document.body.appendChild element Check for browser support of event handling capability if window.addEventListener window.addEventListener load downloadJSAtOnload false else if window.attachEvent window.attachEvent onload downloadJSAtOnload else window.onload..
When using setInterval, if I switch tabs in Chrome and go back, the slider goes crazy catching up http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6183463/when-using-setinterval-if-i-switch-tabs-in-chrome-and-go-back-the-slider-goes chrome slider share improve this question How to detect when a tab is focused or not in Chrome with Javascript window.addEventListener 'focus' function document.title 'focused' false window.addEventListener 'blur' function document.title 'not focused' false.. is focused or not in Chrome with Javascript window.addEventListener 'focus' function document.title 'focused' false window.addEventListener 'blur' function document.title 'not focused' false To apply to your situation var autopager function startAutopager autopager.. startAutopager autopager window.setInterval nextImage 8000 function stopAutopager window.clearInterval autopager window.addEventListener 'focus' startAutopager window.addEventListener 'blur' stopAutopager Note that in the latest version of Chromium there is..
Detect whether scroll event was created by user http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7035896/detect-whether-scroll-event-was-created-by-user 36 ctrl home e.ctrlKey e.which 35 ctrl end userScroll true detect user scroll through mouse Mozilla Webkit if window.addEventListener document.addEventListener 'DOMMouseScroll' mouseEvent false for IE OPERA etc document.onmousewheel mouseEvent to reset..
Html5 - Cross Browser Iframe postmessage - child to parent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8822907/html5-cross-browser-iframe-postmessage-child-to-parent in a different way Cheers Paul javascript jquery html5 jquery mobile share improve this question var eventMethod window.addEventListener addEventListener attachEvent var eventer window eventMethod var messageEvent eventMethod attachEvent onmessage message Listen..
How does jquery mobile hide mobile safari's addressbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9798158/how-does-jquery-mobile-hide-mobile-safaris-addressbar below and commenting out height in the CSS. Tested on iPhone 4S iOS 5.1. ORIGINAL RESPONSES This is what we use window.addEventListener load function setTimeout function window.scrollTo 0 1 0 It works everytime. And we only use addEventListener since the only..
pure JavaScript equivalent to jQuery's $.ready() how to call a function when the page/dom is ready for it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9899372/pure-javascript-equivalent-to-jquerys-ready-how-to-call-a-function-when-the you a little idea what jQuery does it does document.addEventListener 'DOMContentLoaded' fn false with a fallback to window.addEventListener 'load' fn false or for older versions of IE it uses document.attachEvent onreadystatechange fn with a fallback to window.attachEvent..